SF City Council

Will the Sioux Falls City Council Proposed Mask Mandate put Mayor Stoneless in a Pickle?

As you may or may not know, Mayor TenHaken has to break ties on the council, and he may have to exercise one of his toughest next Tuesday or the following Tuesday. Next week is the first reading of the Sioux Falls mask mandate proposed by Councilors Mutt and Jeff, uh, I mean, Soehl and Kiley. If you count the votes on the council, it looks like they have a solid four votes that approve of the mandate in Starr, Brekke, Kiley and Soehl and probably a definitive NO in Councilor Erractickson and probably her ethically challenged lap dog Nutzert. Jensen and Selberg will be your swing votes on this. I could think either would cave to save the mayor from having to vote on this, if not both, but as of right now, it looks like he will have to break the tie. My prediction is he will vote against it, because he is so scared of the business community in town and Noem. What is ironic about this is, I actually agree with Soehl, if you want to see your businesses continue to stay open, especially during the busy holiday season, a mask mandate will help with this. You never know, the business community may finally give their blessing to this mandate after all.

Where I am on the fence is, is it is going to be very, very, very difficult to enforce this. Police officers will literally have to catch you in the act of NOT wearing a mask, I compare it to our useless fireworks within city limits ordinances. While I think putting the mandate on the books is good, I think the enforcement needs to be handled different. I actually think businesses should have the right to hire security and BAN people who won’t wear a mask. This of course brings us to the Constitutionality of mask mandates.

I believe it is well within the Constitutional rights of any private business or non-profit to mandate masks. It’s called FREE enterprise. I have often believed that private retailers and restaurants can limit who they do business with (as long as they are not discriminating because of protected class-obviously non-mask wearers doesn’t fall into those classes), and I think this is how the ordinance should be written, allowing them to require masks and if anyone refuses the violators can charged with trespassing instead of a mask violation. Where I think it violates constitutional rights is requiring masks in public, like in parks, on the sidewalk, etc. I think the city can limit mask use in Public buildings with a health exemption, but outside in public spaces, that’s a little tricky and doesn’t pass the civil rights smell test.

I also think with the way the Home Rule Charter is written, it will be hard to get someone to pay a citation, I think a trespassing violation would be a lot easier to collect on. I think if they do issue citations, they should be warnings only. This pandemic will soon pass, and chasing people down for mask fines or even trespassing after the virus is managed seems a bit of overkill and not worth the taxpayer expense, you know, kind of like destroying people’s records for smoking a joint.

There is going to be a lot of ‘bull’ thrown around over the next couple of weeks about this, and to be quite honest, I think we are too late on this, but I guess anything can help at this point. But we need to craft this carefully not to trample civil rights.

Is a Mask Mandate coming to Sioux Falls?

I got word today that a pair of City Councilors may be preparing a First Reading of a mask mandate for the November 3rd meeting. Of course, we would have to wait a full week before a 2nd Reading would occur.

A recent survey (I think by one of the public colleges) said that 58% of respondents approve of a mask mandate. I actually think it is a lot higher, because when I go out shopping I see well over 80% of people wearing masks.

The two councilors working on the mandate ordinance are NOT the dynamic duo of Starr and Brekke.

I am assuming the mandate will be very weak, in other words it will be a mandate, but the police will NOT enforce and no penalties will be handed out. It will be a mandate with no punishment.

I guess I will have to wait an see what it looks like. But I think even a strongly suggestive mandate is way past due. Like I said above, I think most people support a mandate, and it is just a small very loud group of libertarian wing nuts who think people are taking away their civil liberties. These people obviously have NO idea what civil rights are about. This is about slowing the spread and saving lives and has nothing to do with what party you are in.

UPDATE: Local Leadership should be more than an imaginary piece of paper

TenHaken admits on National News he has essentially given up.

Update: TenHaken was featured on Meet the Press this morning, it seems he has simply gave up because of Trump’s rhetoric. Really?!


I want to ask you, get you to react to something here from the mayor of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a Republican. I spoke with him on Friday. I’m guessing you’re going to empathize with what he has to say. It’s, again, a Republican mayor of Sioux Falls. Take a listen.


Trying to enforce any government restrictions now at this point in the game, even if, even if I felt that was the right thing to do, it’s a non-starter in the community right now. It’s difficult for us at the local level. It’s difficult for us as local leaders, county commissioners, mayors to deal with how politicized this has gotten, and it makes it frustrating.

I’m willing to bet Paul that the people who have made mask wearing political in our town are about 20% and last I checked they are NOT a majority. Do the right thing and push a public mask wearing mandate. For those that don’t want to comply, oh well, they can stay home, I don’t want to see them anyway.

We have already seen the story;

Sixteen mayors of South Dakota’s largest cities sent a letter calling for the public’s action to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

First of all, I am confused as to where this letter was sent? I certainly did NOT get it in the mail or my email box, so I wonder about its effectiveness. I also don’t know if they are providing new information;

We are writing to you with a simple ask, but one that we need everyone to take seriously. We need you to do your part. It is crucial that we are all aware of our behaviors. Wear a mask when physical distancing cannot be maintained, keep your social interactions to small groups, wash your hands frequently, clean frequently touched surfaces often, and stay home if you feel sick. These may seem like small actions, but can make a big difference during this current surge we are experiencing in our state.

These mayors are pretty much telling us something we have known about for a long time and should already be doing. At this point, I’m not sure what this even means.

Councilor Starr thinks we should do more and have some better planning;

Asked what measures he had in mind to address the disease in the city, Starr said that’s why he had requested the update.

“That’s the point that we need to hear from the medical professionals,” Starr said, adding that there are some actions “that are more palatable than others.”

“Are we at a point where we’re overloading our health care systems?” he asked. “Our workers?”

This is what REAL leadership does, they recognize an issue, they gather the information, and they put a plan in motion. Sometimes that is legislative, sometimes it is less restrictive, but we can certainly agree penning a letter in the form of a PDF making ‘strong’ suggestions isn’t going to stop the spread of this virus. In fact the mayors that signed this electronic document should be embarrassed and ashamed at their lack of real leadership on this issue.

It’s going to be a very long winter.

Mayor TenHaken eliminates three city employee awards thru executive order

Guest Post by Bruce Danielson,

OK, we get it, the mayor who only cares about himself and his “peeps” has decided we should not continue decades old traditions and customs to help his peeps understand it’s not only about today but the long reach of history.

Paul has decided to eliminate historic city awards and replace them with his version of what these awards should look like.

History is messy and should it not be explained?

Anyone who was around in 1966 would grasp how traumatic it was to the town to have a mayor die in his office (he was popular and tried to move the town forward). The long and distinguished career of a civil servant (she was dedicated service to the people of the town) and then to consider how important it is to memorialize a civil servant’s dedication to keeping his/her workplace safe for each other and the community (this memory must be too painful for those who decided not to protect the Copper Lounge and the families involved with that disaster).


III. Program Design (page 3)

The Employee Recognition Program shall be divided into three categories: A) retirement awards and recognition, B) One Team, One Sioux Falls Award  V. L. Crusinberry Award, C) Jeanne Fullenkamp Management Excellence Award, D) Excellence in Safety Award , E) miscellaneous recognition activities.

The mayor has decided his view of the town is the only version anyone should accept and promote. Does “One Team, One Sioux Falls” mean one church, One race, One sex or should we keep it simple and say, if you’re not Dutch, you’re not much?

Publisher’s Note; as I said in the previous post, I still have NO IDEA what ‘One Sioux Falls’ means? It just sounds very car salesman to me. Employees of the city don’t need to sell me anything, all I ask of them is to do their jobs correctly, safely and efficiently and in return they will receive a fair wage and benefits (some that are even better than the private sector).

I think if Paul would have added another award by executive action, that would be fine, but to eliminate some of them for his best city salesman of the year award is ludicrous.

He is the city manager and has the right to do this, but like trying to cut the municipal band funding, he looks like a total dolt.