That’s one spendy turkey
$225: The winning bid for the turkey seen being slaughtered in the background during an Alaska TV station’s interview with Governor Moose Drool. (Source: Playboy Magazine)
$225: The winning bid for the turkey seen being slaughtered in the background during an Alaska TV station’s interview with Governor Moose Drool. (Source: Playboy Magazine)
Well I guess if Folkarts can do it, anyone can? Right?
I am flattered though, seeing the popularity of my site, the other two top SD political bloggers have followed suit. I guess if you can’t beat em’ join em’!
I do understand Pat’s toon but am having trouble with Todd’s. Is there an asterick somewhere I can follow Todd that explains them?
Who says you can’t drink yourself to sobriety?
Let’s put this money in perspective. The average American earns almost $33,000 a year. To make a billion dollars, he or she would have to work 31,000 years.
Unless you run two bogus non-profits you earn about $250,000 a year.
A trillion dollars laid end to end would reach 96 million miles.
Have you been talking to John Thune?
If you are elderly, be afraid. Proponents of this socialized scheme are long on fear and short on facts. Hidden in this “must-pass” piece of legislation is a provision that rations health care and makes it likely that older people will be left to suffer or die.
Yup, spread more fear instead of offering solutions. That’s what you are good at. I think you are afraid because socialized medicine will not include the quackery you practice.
Health care decisions will not be made by doctors or patients. They will be made by bureaucrats with formulas based on your age and whether treatment will cure your problem.
Apparently Allen has a crystal ball. He knows how legislation is going to be written, before it is written. Well if it is the crystal ball he used to predict the outcome of the abortion vote, I wouldn’t worry too much about his warnings. In fact the only thing the Obama administration is suggesting is streamlining your medical records, something Gore suggested when he was running for office 8 years ago. Something that would save us billions in insurance costs every year.
Winston Churchill said, “Thinking we can spend our way out of debt is like thinking an alcoholic can drink himself into sobriety.”
Actually that’s possible, but with sobriety comes death. Ever seen ‘Leaving Las Vegas’?
Ben Franklin said, “He who would trade freedom for security will end up with neither.”
Funny you use that quote Allen, ever hear of ‘Freedom to choose’? Must have escaped you.
More government is the problem, not the solution.
I would have to agree, but the problem with the best 8 years there was NO government, and now we have to make up for lost time.
The solution, according to hundreds of top economists, is to allow all taxpaying Americans to keep more of what they work for. It’s that simple.
So are you saying Allen, you agree with Obama? He has given 90% of Americans a tax cut in the latest stimulus, and 98% of small businesses.
Allen, are you trying to trick us again like your wife did with all the mumbo jumbo she was spreading about abortion? You sneaky little devil.
I may not have as much money as Les Moonves, but I do have better art in my house.
I don’t know why they’d buy a piece of shit like this. I don’t know why they’d hang it in their house. I don’t know why Julie Chen would want a blouse like that memorialized in oils. But most of all, I don’t know what they’re toasting. That’s what’s really nagging at me.
The ratings for Harper’s Island?
The success of The Mentalist?
The triumphant return of Joe Mantegna?
Kinda reminds me of the endless stories in our local rag magazines about rich people’s homes in Sioux Falls. They’ll build a $2 million dollar house and decorate the walls with fake canvas print paintings from Hobby Lobby. April is right, you cannot buy taste.