Sioux Falls

Is Mayor TenHaken becoming a lame duck on purpose?

Ever since Poops made the comment about ‘Turd Alley’ (this guy seems to be obsessed with crap) some are wondering why Paul may be petering out with more then a year left in his term. Here is my theory. With a only a year left in a 8 year term, he may be ready not to start any new projects, that would NOT be unusual for a lame duck mayor, but you would think he would try to at least make a dent in some big issues he hasn’t been able to solve; affordable housing, homelessness and child care needs (which could all be solved, ironically, by paying higher wages). I think there is another reason.


All roads are leading to MAYBE. While I have mentioned this before, I did get a solid name (but still a rumor at this point) and I believe they are going to announce very soon and Paul will be helping them run for the position with a possible endorsement. So who is this candidate? They are a white, middle-aged professional male who got their start in Marketing (sound familiar?) then worked for a major healthcare provider and now works for a large national out-of-state developer/contractor. If I were to mention his name, it may not ring a bell, but if you worked in marketing or healthcare in this community you would certainly know who they are. Let’s just say he is just a clone of MMM and PTH and won’t offer much but a great smile. But I am sure the churches, the chamber and the Sanford’s of the world will think he is just AWESOME. As I said in an earlier post, we don’t need another salesman in city hall, we need a city administrator who is willing to do the work for the city employees and the citizens.

Did Tre Ministries LIE to the City Council?

Pretty much.

10 command . . .?

When the development plan was first presented to the planning commission it was under the pretense that the developer at the time who owned the property, Justin Johnson, would develop it as presented. After that, JJ sold the property to Tre who got private investors. When the SF City Council approved the open ended, interest free loan of $500K for demolition, Tre, once again, seemed to lie about the development plan. The shcity council approved the expense to taxpayers and now Tre are saying there is no plan, because they have no money. May I suggest a SF Heroes garden for the space?! Just like the Arc of Dreams, it would be a game changer for 18th and Minnesota.

Like the Dems in Congress, I ask the CC, what the Hell are you doing?!

Are SFPD watching us on the DTSF camera system?


It’s no secret that MMM started a program of setting up DTSF public security cameras, which I support, sometimes. This public camera system sitting on light poles and other infrastructure downtown has helped to solve many crimes downtown, piecing together video evidence and tracking the suspects. BRAVO! A great use of technology. Where it gets creepy is when the PD use it to intimidate, harrass, or squelch free speech. Let’s just say that the SFPD are using the camera system on DTSF cell towers to target and chase violators, several blocks after the violation occurred. There is much more I could say, but I best button up for now. I just want every tourist, transient, local or whatever breed you are, if you are DTSF and participating in ANY kind of illegal activity on our public property, you are likely being recorded and watched.

Now is the time to speak up

Not sure what Lalley was getting at, but if I understand it just a little bit he may be asking advocates to sit down and shut up;

But there are rules, written and implied, that guide us in the public redress of grievances.

Civility, decorum, manners – call it what you wish – but we do ourselves no favors in support of our values by casting it aside.

Passion is human, it is admirable.

For me at least, roiling anger is destructive.

What’s become clear over the past several weeks, as the proposal for the city to lease the parking lot at Eighth Street and Indiana Avenue came to light, is that we need to take a breath.

Doesn’t matter who is president, governor or mayor of our fine city, I have always supported free speech rights, and I don’t care how those words come out. In a time where DC is trying to chill free speech rights, and we have a local governing body of total secrecy this is the most important time to be heard. Sure, I would agree, screaming at these people or dropping dirty words at the podium may not be the best approach to being heard, but difficult things must be brought up in these meetings in order to come up with the best solutions. Problems get solved with differing views and objectives. When 9 people on a body agree on something, it makes me a bit suspicious and a little concerned issues are not being fully vetted (well I know they are not being fully vetted).

As Lalley suggests, try to keep decorum when attending these meetings, but don’t hold back, speaking truth to power is the only way we take back our country and city and if enough of us are loud enough they will have no choice but to listen. Sorry Pat, the Kumbyah approach doesn’t work with these folks.

What I would like to see in a Mayoral Candidate for Sioux Falls

I get it all the time, “Scott, have you liked any mayor since you have lived in Sioux Falls?” My answer is always the same, “No.”

I would love to see a dozen or more candidates running for mayor next Spring. I think the last time we had that many candidates is when Munson ran for a second term (well he decided not to, then everyone jumped in the race, then he got back in at the last minute).

Some basic traits would be someone who understands the US Constitution, the State Constitution and City Charter. They also should be a non-partisan at their core, and would prefer someone who has been a registered indy most of their lives. They also have to be a consistent local voter. I don’t care about race or gender, but I would like to specifically see a (younger) retired person in the position who isn’t looking to climb any ladders or do favors for friends but has the best interest at heart of the citizens. They should have also worked in a leadership position in their career, either as a CEO of their own company or a director or manager in the public sector.

I guess I am looking for someone who will run the city like an administrator and let the council handle the policy and the purse strings, like they are supposed to. I know I am asking a lot, but let’s keep our fingers crossed and don’t forget your jumping jacks.

Tell me in the comments what would be your ideal candidate.

I know when Kermit Staggers ran for mayor he got accused of not working with the developers and Kermit told me, “I’ll work with developers on re-zones and regs to make sure their projects get done, but handouts and tax rebates, not so much.”