Sioux Falls

Mayor MisTaken, How we serve

Besides my gut hurting for the last 48 hours from laughing at this anticipated video, I got a double hernia from all the claims made;

• Expansion of the bike trail and skate park. The expansion of the bike trail has been in long term plans years before Poops rolled in, and Councilor Neitzert is actually the one who pushed for more expansion. The Skate Park Association has been beating the pavement for almost 7 years, I’m not sure how your 2 second signature on a city expenditure line qualifies you as a contributor?

• Increase Affordable Housing and Workforce Development. Both have suffered during his administration, with NO long term solutions being offered.

• Sioux 52. While PTH did implement this program, he quickly handed it off to the Help Line Center with a taxpayer line item.

• Mayor’s Youth Council. While it WAS the first one that the mayor’s office sponsored, his opponent in the last mayoral race actually implemented one of the first community youth councils years ago.

Report to work stations are precincts. He continues to play this word game, and everytime he does I roll over laughing.

• 100 Day Challenge! I will give him two thumbs up for this. I rocked it this year and it was fun reading other fat butts like myself getting out and busting it.

HALF of Sioux Falls Parking Department’s budget goes towards debt service

While the city can argue all they want that the parking department is managing their budget well with paying off the bunker ramp you have to question having 50% of your overall yearly budget going to paying off a parking ramp that is used very little.

Some would say it is good that the revenue is supporting the bond payments, but you have to ask yourself what other improvements could be made to parking if we spent that money on ACTUAL improvements to our parking system besides brightly painted wire spool picnic tables (BTW, if the Bunker Ramp wasn’t ugly enough, your white trash, roadside park in Missouri, picnic tables are not helping).

This administration is bleeding so much money lately you would think they are being run by a web developer with no overhead to worry about . . . wait.

Sioux Falls City Councilor Starr rips Planning Staff

Besides an absent mayor and supplemental appropriations coming out of our ears at the city council meeting tonight, the council asked planning staff why they are continuing to tell applicants not to show up until 2nd reading.

We have suspected for awhile they were doing this and the council has nicely asked them to stop doing it, privately, that all changed tonight.

A planning staffer, Fletcher, that is a little green while addressing councilors, admitted tonight that he told the applicants to not bother showing up to the meeting until 2nd reading when the county commission will also be attendance (has to do with joint jurisdiction).

That was a mistake. Some councilors were very perturbed about it. Fletcher’s boss(?) Sam from Planning tried to deflect what Fletcher admitted claiming that since the county commission was not there, there was no point for the applicants to attend.

Wrong person to defend the position. Sam has dropped the ball so many times when it comes to open meetings and posting agendas incorrectly he is the last person to talk about open public meetings and when it is proper to attend them.

Councilor Starr wasn’t having it, telling the mayor and planning staff that they are on notice and they better not get caught doing it again (even though they will probably do it again tomorrow with zero consequences).

I often tell people, show up to the 1st reading, you get 3 minutes to dissent and you never know, you may bring up something the council will consider between the 1st and 2nd readings that will benefit your position.

It is pretty obvious planning staff is dong this ON PURPOSE! The city is ran by an authoritarian regime that must squash all dissent and I have no doubt this directive came from the corner office, or whatever playground he is doing jumping jacks on that day.

Is the New ‘No Labels’ party going to be involved with the City of Sioux Falls 2024 council election?

I heard a rumor recently that a west coast organization was sniffing around in Sioux Falls looking for an opportunity to run ‘progressive independent candidates’. My source wouldn’t tell me the name of the organization, but passed my contact info along.

My assumption is that it is NO LABELS and they seem to have a vested interest in getting involved in local races like school board, county commission and city council.

As I understand it they are willing to assist campaigns, especially ones that are bi-partisan in nature, like a city council race.

I have been telling people I would like to see at least 3 solid candidates for each of the 4 city council races this next Spring, and it may happen.

Someone has already told me they are running for Neitzert’s NW district seat (he is term limited) and another person told me they are interested in running for a different district seat.

There has also been some recruitment efforts by Rick Knobe’s group, the Change Agents, the Patriot Ripple Effect (ultra right wing) and the South Dakota Democratic party.

I have been telling people who are actively recruiting or considering a run that Mayor MisTaken will have his 4 recruited, well groomed, christian, white lackeys in which he will endorse and feed shady PAC money to, and why wouldn’t he? It worked in the last election.

I can tell you that many who watch the council races closely have studied the shellacking the NON-PAUL candidates got in the last election, and they are not going to let it happen again.