Sioux Falls

Who is investing in Development along Veteran’s Parkway?

While homeowners have legitimate questions about this road;

They’re worried the six-lane highway that will handle close to 30,000 vehicles a day is being built so close to their homes.

“A semi is 70 thousand pounds loaded, it takes 265 feet to stop at 60 mph that’s 130 feet off this person’s property here and the one back further is 120 feet,” Kampa said.

“My concern is the safety mainly and also the noise,” Wayne Wilhelmi said.

Wayne Wilhelmi built his house in 2015 and was never told Veterans Parkway was going to be in his backyard.

The real question is who is investing in development along the road.

But the city says landowners have been well informed and knew about this highway for years.

I will agree that this has been in the news for several years, and not insider city news, I think every major media source in Sioux Falls has been covering this road plan which was first initiated in 2003 and updated to final design in 2011.

I would agree we need another corridor in Sioux Falls, but I’m not sure a high speed road next to residential is the answer.

But one question I have been nagging reporters about for several years is looking into who is investing in development along the road, and specifically if any local elected officials (councilors, county commissioners, mayor, etc.) are investing in it thru various LLCs and different private investor groups.

I understand that getting this kind of information can be difficult, but I would encourage reporters to just ASK all our local elected officials if they or their spouse have any investments along this corridor. If they all say NO, your work is cut out for you, start digging, because guardrails and brakes on a semi-trucks is just a small part of this behemoth running thru our town.

Another Installment of Parks Workers odd Jobs

A few years back I told you about the gentleman who’s job was scraping goose manure off the bike trail and blowing it away with a leaf blower . . .

There was also the guy who used to water trees around Yankton Trail Park with a water truck and he would run only one hose, watering one tree at a time which helped him catch up on his latest Tom Clancy novel.

Today I bring you tennis court dryer. While I’m sure this kind of thing goes on at Wimbledon, I’m not sure we need to be having parks staff walk randomly around pushing puddles with a leaf blower. It was kind of fun to watch. I think she successfully got two puddles to stick together as one 🙂

Hopefully they moved her onto goose manure scraping or Tom Clancy novels by morning coffee break.

UPDATE: Amazing testimony about the irony of restricting E2’s on Bike Trail

A gentleman came forward to the council meeting tonight during public input (FF 40:00) and was surprised that he was told not to ride his newly purchased E2 Bike on the trail.

He found it ironic because he got a warning from a motorcycle cop.

UPDATE: Someone who spoke to the gentleman before his testimony, said he wasn’t even riding his bike on the rec trail but was SITTING next to it on a park bench when the officer gave him the warning. I guess it is easier to give out citations to people who are not moving 🙂

I also found it funny that the mayor tried to correct this first time inputer by telling him there is a speed limit on the trail. THERE IS NOT! No where in city ordinance is there a speed limit on the rec trail, there are also NO posted signs except one on the 41st street bridge that has been there for over 30 years.

UPDATE: I have also been informed that the rec trail does have a 20 MPH, but it is NOT posted and is just a ‘parks policy‘. Would love for someone to pay me to try to find this policy on the city website, it could get expensive.

Once again the mayor has NO CLUE what is actually in statute.

I heard from a city official tonight that they will be moving forward within the next couple of weeks on a change to the E2 restrictions (and other adjustments).

UPDATE: The bicycle ordinances on the bike trail are a prime example of the lack of transparency in our government. They post NO signs telling people about rec trail restrictions (vehicle, speed or otherwise) and expect people to just pull up their city hall crystal ball and know these things. Government runs more efficiently based on transparency, not tongue and cheek suggestions based on limited information.

Why has the Riverline District gone silent?

I get nervous when the administration drops grenades then retreats.

After the big reveal of this district there seems to be little public discussion about what next steps are.

I have no doubt that after most of the comments came back negative to building a baseball stadium and the council knowing nothing about the proposed purchase agreement, that the committee has decided to pull back and work on a better messaging strategy.

It seems the truth really does hurt in this case.

There is also the question of the city getting involved with a purchase agreement. I would hope the city council had the 5 votes to kill this but I doubt it.

Rumors circulating that after January 1st the administration will ask for the quality of life bonds which will be about $30 million for pools and another $20 million for ‘other stuff’. Don’t hold your breath now, but I bet your bottom dollar that the Riverline District will be a part of this bond.

We are going to get that baseball stadium whether we want it or not.

Sioux Falls Urban Food Forum

The Sioux Falls Urban Food Forum, a two-day event aimed at fostering collaboration among local producers, restaurant owners, gardeners, policy makers, and individuals passionate about food security, is set to take place on July 26th and 27th during four open forum sessions. Hosted at the Union Gospel Mission located in its emerging Food Hub, this innovative event will provide a platform for attendees to share their ongoing initiatives, develop meaningful collaborations, and identify practical actions to address food security in our community.

The Sioux Falls Urban Food Forum recognizes the vital importance of ensuring access to nutritious food for all residents. With the objective of addressing food insecurity through collective efforts, the event will feature four open forum sessions. These sessions will create a space for diverse voices to be heard, ideas to be exchanged, and collaborative solutions to be developed. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with experts in the field, exchange best practices, and explore strategies to enhance the local food ecosystem.

Event Details: Date: July 26-27, 2023

Times: 4 sessions for both days, Morning – 9:00 to 11:00, Afternoon – 2:00 to 4:00

Venue: Union Gospel Mission Thrift Store

Address: 705 E 8th St, Sioux Falls, SD

The Sioux Falls Urban Food Forum welcomes individuals from all backgrounds who share an interest in food security and sustainable food systems. This includes local producers, restaurant owners, gardeners, policy makers, educators, community organizers, and concerned citizens. The forum seeks to foster an environment of collaboration and knowledge-sharing, where attendees can build relationships and contribute to the development of deployable pragmatic actions.

Food security is a critical issue that affects the health and well-being of our community. By bringing together key stakeholders, we aim to create a space for dialogue and collaboration, where innovative ideas can flourish, and concrete actions can be taken to address this challenge. We believe that by working together, we can build a more resilient and equitable food system in Sioux Falls.

Participants are encouraged to come prepared to share their ongoing projects, initiatives, and ideas related to food security. Whether you have a community garden, a farm-to-table restaurant, or a policy proposal, the forum provides an inclusive platform for you to engage with like-minded individuals and develop collaborative solutions.

The Community Revitalization Collective is thrilled to announce its upcoming event, the CRC BBQ Party, aimed at fostering community spirit and creating a memorable experience for all residents of Whittier and beyond. This free outdoor event promises an afternoon of mouthwatering food, engaging activities, and opportunities for neighbors to connect and celebrate together.
The CRC BBQ Party will take place on Sunday July 30th from 5:00 – 8:00 at the CRC Space, in the back of 921 E. 8th Street. This event is open to all residents of Whittier, regardless of age or background. Attendees can expect an exciting lineup of activities, entertainment, and, of course, delicious barbecue options.

The Community Revitalization Collective is thrilled to announce the upcoming Night Markets, a series of vibrant community events that will take place on Saturday August 26 and Saturday September 16. These unique markets will be open to all residents of the Whittier Neighborhood who wish to showcase and sell their creative talents, whether it be food, crafts, or any other unique offerings. What makes these events truly special is that there will be no fees charged for participating vendors, providing an opportunity for all to come together and celebrate the neighborhood’s diverse talents. All ages welcome!

Event Details:
Date: August 26, 2023, and September 16, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: First Faith Lutheran Church, 601 N. Cliff Ave Whittier Neighborhood, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

The Whittier Neighborhood Night Markets aim to create an inclusive space for Whittier Neighborhood residents to share their entrepreneurial spirit, foster connections, and promote a strong sense of community. Residents will have the chance to showcase their homemade crafts, delectable food creations, artwork, and any other unique creations they wish to share. It’s an excellent platform for individuals to gain exposure, build networks, and connect with like-minded neighbors.

The market events will be held on August 26 and September 16, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the heart of the Whittier Neighborhood in the parking lot of Faith Lutheran Church.

“We are excited to provide a platform for the talented residents of Whittier Neighborhood to share their passions with the community,” said Jordan Deffenbaugh, spokesperson for the Community Revitalization Collective. “The Night Markets will not only showcase the creativity and skills of our residents but also provide an opportunity for neighbors to come together, support local businesses, and celebrate our vibrant community.”

Whittier residents interested in participating as vendors at the Night Markets are encouraged to sign up by visiting

Spaces are limited, so early registration is encouraged.–

Jordan J Deffenbaugh