Sioux Falls

Mayor TenHaken says he will provide city board appointees bios ‘in the future’ if we want to see them

FF: 2:36:30

In a blatant disregard for openness and transparency, Paul has not provided city board appointees bios in the past two times they have been on the city council agenda. He did it tonight for the second time.

Councilor Pat Starr asked why those bios are not being provided any more and Paul said that if he wanted to see them he will provide them in the future. Pat reminded the mayor that he asked in an email yesterday for those bios. Paul responded, “From who?” Starr said that he sent an email request to COS Beck, City Clerk Greco and from the council operations manager, to no avail.

Now this is not something that has traditionally happened. I think the last administration started providing the bios when appointees were on the agenda, and Paul continued up until the last two times. Why did they disappear? I don’t know why, and I sent an email to councilors Brekke, Stehly and Starr last week to find out why.

I guess in some kind of weird defiance, the rumor going around is the COS didn’t provide them to Starr because “Scott was requesting them.”

Let me make it clear, when I ask for information, it isn’t for my own satisfaction, it is to post that information on my blog so constituents can see it.

I think it is insane that the administration thinks it is appropriate to stop providing these bios, they may be volunteers, but citizens have a right to know who the people are making these decisions for us, whether they are paid or elected or appointed.

Starr was the only councilor to vote against the appointments tonight. Bravo!

This constant fight for the simplest of transparent actions is getting old.

Mayor TenHaken waits two years to fulfill a campaign promise

It only took almost two years after Paul was elected for him to kind of act on his campaign promise of better public safety;

The Long Game in Public Safety
By Mayor Paul TenHaken

People will occasionally ask me if Sioux Falls is still a safe community, and the answer is always “yes.” Year after year, Sioux Falls’ population has grown steadily as more and more people are drawn to Sioux Falls for career opportunities and our incredible quality of life. During this past year, our crime rate has maintained a low rate—especially when compared to other large cities.

I have often told people this argument rings hollow. The claim is our crime rate has simply grown in comparison to our population growth. Apparently a lot of newborns are dealing drugs and committing these crimes. A very large percent of our population growth is due to current residents having babies, this is something that is never brought up in our population growth problems.

Since I took office, we have expanded our team of police officers investigating drug dealers by adding an additional narcotics sergeant as well as a new Narcotics Crime Unit. These officers are focused on crime tips from members of the public to help put drug dealers out of business.

The rumor going around is that the police department is understaffed by over 20 officers. So while we are spending money to fix the State Theatre, and parapets on the Pavilion, we are not properly staffing our SFPD.

We continue to make strides toward opening the area’s first triage center to provide an alternative treatment path than jail or hospitals for addicts in the midst of a crisis.

Remember the argument for building the new Administration building? We were told the city has ran out of office space, but mysteriously we now have an entire empty building for a triage center. Don’t get me wrong, we need it. But instead of building an admin building 2 years ago we should have built a triage center in conjunction and attached to the new jail.

I’m glad Paul is putting our press releases about being tough on crime, but talk is cheap, and this should have been done the first day he walked into office. Because we all know, if you have a rising crime and drug problem it doesn’t go away by simply ignoring it for two years. Paul has ignored his charter regulated duties of managing the city, his most important and only job, that includes overseeing the police department. And the whole time he ignored these duties he violated the charter by trying to do the council’s job of legislating and setting budgets. It’s time for Paul to do his job and the council to do theirs.

The Petty Politics continue

Now they are going after Stehly over a in-kind donation of less than $30;

Stehly, though, told the Argus Leader Monday that her 2016 campaign website was renewed on her behalf by Sioux Falls resident and political ally Bruce Danielson. She said she would file an amendment to her campaign disclosure report showing an in-kind contribution of $29.98, the price Danielson paid on Feb. 11.

But she has no intention of listing those other expenses because they weren’t related to her campaign, she said.

First off Theresa was made aware of this donation by the Argus employee and intends to file an amendment to her campaign finance report (which isn’t officially due until March 4).

As for the other expenses, anyone with common sense knows that 1) Stehly paid for those out of her own pocket and 2) they were public information mailings, etc. None of it was campaign materials. You don’t have to believe me. Read any of it, and no where in those materials does she mention to vote for her in the upcoming election or NOT to vote for her opponent. Even a dead person knows the difference between a campaign ad and public information. I guess according to them any thing Stehly has bought over the past 3 years was a campaign ad. Seriously, that is their argument. Gee, she better report that pork chop she grilled for me two years ago, must have been a nefarious attempt to buy my vote 🙂

But this is how low in the gutter Jensen’s surrogates will go to try to muddy the waters about Stehly. While they are concerned about an in-kind donation less than $30, their candidate is going to spend thousands of dollars donated to him by the well connected special interests of Sioux Falls. This is what should truly scare us, trying to buy a city council seat.

As for their argument about Stehly’s finances, what about all the PACs and LLCs with Fed Ex PO boxes that donated to her opponent? Let’s talk transparency.

I didn’t think it would hit rock bottom this soon, but I suspect by April 14th Jensen’s minions will be below the wreckage of the Titanic with their attacks. Pathetic.

Seney Island, Sioux Steel Development Controversy

Guest Post Bruce Danielson

The recent story (Land ownership question hovers over $185 million Sioux Falls redevelopment plan) of Seney Island tripped a few issues long ago buried in the back of my mind. I have no dog in the show being presented in the Sioux Steel – Seney Island project, but I feel the history of the project needs to include a proper land title search being performed and then presented.


Also, the interesting bit of data in the article claims 160 acres being granted but the original 1859 clearly shows the town lot company survey had the planned layout and 1865 – 1869 maps show the Fort Sod fortification lines of the new settlement. From my research of many years ago, there would not have been a granting of homestead rights in the 1860’s to land already committed to being a townsite.

The enclosed image of the original survey 1859 map of Sioux Falls, shows Seney Island and the village platting. These discrepancies have bugged me to the point where I matched the 1859 images over a current Google Earth image of Sioux Falls. Though not perfect, it does show the relationship of the Island and most of the Sioux Steel property being on Seney Island.

The 1881 drawing shows the relationship of Seney Island to the coffer dam rerouting the water for the mill.

For over 40 years I have heard from old-timers and read stories of how the west channel or oxbow of the Sioux River was used as the original community landfill until it closed it to navigation. The main channel of the Sioux had to be changed to allow for the dam to produce enough water for the mill and power plant.

The 1900 photo of the west channel shown in your story, was the result efforts to fill in the river channel. The old-timers I knew, used to tell stories of the smells coming from the rotting debris leeching to the surface until it was finally covered over. As the property is now being readied for a new purpose, opening up the land could bring back the environmental issues long ago covered up.

Why does the establishment want Stehly gone?

I have often said that this race is not about Jensen being a better candidate than Stehly, he is simply a pawn in this game. This is about the monied establishment getting rid of Stehly. If they could have legally ran a monkey or a dog against her, they would have. As commenter and supporter of Jensen said on that ‘other’ blog; ‘a ‘dead’ person could beat Stehly.’ They probably wish they could run a dead person against her.

Here are some reasons why I think this group of mucky mucks want Stehly gone (this is strictly my opinion and I have not consulted with Theresa or anybody else before scribing this post).

• Misogyny & Sexism. I call it more of a light hearted, passive aggressive version of it. Not only does it exist with those outside of government, it is within also. ‘Certain’ men in power don’t like being told they are wrong by a woman, especially a middle-aged woman who has never been married or ran a major corporation or small business. Let’s face it, Theresa has a big mouth, but I don’t think this has anything to do with wanting to be the loudest person in the room or embarrassing her male counterparts, I think it has to do with the next point.

• Transparency. Theresa likes to get information out to her constituents. She often does this during public meetings that are live and video recorded and broadcasted to constituents, sometimes asking strange questions that befuddle her colleagues, but it is an unique way to get the answers on record out of city employees. This inflames the establishment and those within city government who like doing things thru the ‘Good Old Boys’ network system of closed door meetings, private phone and email conversations, and back door handshake agreements. She sheds a light on this practice, and they want to silence her.

• Money & Greed. Many business people in this city have been the recipients of millions of dollars in corporate welfare handouts like contracts, TIFs and tax breaks. While Theresa does support some of these programs, her questioning of the practice drives them crazy because they don’t like getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar. I think if Theresa wins a 2nd term you will see her go after this more intensely, and that scares the bejeebers out of them, because she does not need a majority of the council to question it.

• Responds to constituents. While there are others on the council that do respond to constituents, Stehly spends a great deal of more time on it. That is one reason she has such strong grassroots support behind her, she often is the only one to look into a city issue while the rest of them hope they just run into you at the grocery story. The establishment doesn’t like someone in city government standing up for the little guy. The little guy in Sioux Falls is supposed to go to his crappy paying job, pay high rent for his crappy apartment, shut up and don’t complain. Theresa is their voice, and she often encourages them to come to public input and share their story.

• Spends her own income on informing the public. I think this alone perplexes the establishment, because they would never in a million years do something like this if they were elected to office. I know Theresa and a little about her finances, and I can vouch 100% she has no secret donors paying for these informational mailings, it all comes from her bank account. In fact, she has had to cut back a little on teaching when she became a councilor and has lost some revenue from that, because she treats it like a 24/7 job. Yes, Stehly does receive a paycheck of a little over $19K a year from the city, but that isn’t any different than a city employee receiving pay for the work they do for the public, and Stehly is free to spend that income on whatever she wants to. Councilors also don’t receive a pension or healthcare benefits.

• Challenges the special interests play palaces. Theresa has fought hard to oppose ridiculous projects like the Bunker Ramp and City Administration building. She is often in the minority, but has never faltered and has been 100% spot on in her criticism. Special interests don’t like that she questions these unneeded projects, and they want to return to the super majority, rubber stamp council of the last administration. It also doesn’t help that she often very accurately predicts the outcome of these disastrous projects.

• Treats everyone with respect when she is treated with respect. Some have accused Theresa of being mean and a bully, but Theresa applies the Golden Rule, if you smack her down, she smacks back. If you help her, she will hold out a hand. It goes back to my first point about sexism. When men do it, they are considered courageous and brave, when women fight back they are bitches and mean. Theresa stands up for her beliefs, even if she is wrong sometimes. Well-behaved women seldom make history.”

I know it is going to be a rough 5 weeks until the election, and big money just might buy this seat for a monkey rubber stamping vampire, but make no mistake, certain special interests and special people in this town want her gone, and you will soon see more of the vitriol that already started today. Trust me, I know Theresa has learned from how Jolene was treated in the mayoral election, and she certainly isn’t going to let that kind crap happen to her.