Sioux Falls

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Feb 25-26, 2020

Informational Meeting • 4 PM • Tuesday Feb 25

Presentation on Washington Pavilion Parapet and Cornice Condition Assessment and Study (this was deferred). I was told that the Pavilion doesn’t give two sh*ts on whether this gets replaced or not. They ‘have’ to do it to to keep their historical designation (replacing the ornamental) so they can apply for future historical grants – it’s all about the Benjamins. The roof does have to be fixed, but that should have been 20 years ago.

Also a presentation on Prairie Meadow Water and Wastewater Update.

Working Session Meeting • 2:30 • Wednesday Feb 26

City Council Budget Priorities

Belfrage’s Planned Cat Fight gets foiled

I was told a few days ago that Sioux Falls City Councilors Janet Brekke and Pat Starr were invited to come on Belfrage’s show next Tuesday. I guess yesterday, Belfrage asked for a change of plans, he wanted Erickson and Brekke to duke it out over ethics.

Brekke refused to participate in the matchup.

While some may say she is chickening out, I don’t see that way at all. First off, this process needs to go through the proper channels, the Ethics Commission, before having any public debates about it. Brekke asked a realistic ethics question, she is awaiting a hearing and an answer.

But secondly, I don’t think Janet is that naive. We know how Greg feels about Erickson and Mayor Selfie, he would have stacked the deck against Brekke, because let’s admit it, Greg likes Red Meat.

I have always had respect for Janet, but after hearing this revelation, it just got a lot greater. As for Greg, well you know how I feel about that putz.

UPDATE: Advocacy Group to Speak at PTAB meeting on Monday

UPDATE: I have been hearing from several sources and city officials that the on-demand service may never happen. The first problem is that the guy who cooked it up left. The second problem is that many in the innovation office are dropping the ball, and skipping important meetings. Thirdly there isn’t any real funding for the program in the transit fund for it, so they will have to subsidize it somehow. And lastly the union representing SAM says there is no deal on running a pilot on Sundays unless their contract is revised. They basically are saying if anyone would be willing to work, it would be like holiday pay. But the biggest problem is they really don’t have enough staff to administer it. So if all of these issues are solved, they will pretty much have to contract with another private transportation provider to accomplish the pilot program. My guess is this thing will die quietly in the night. Oh, and the below meeting has yet to publish their agenda online, which will be a violation of State Law. That seems to be a habit lately with the city, and the Sioux Falls School District, who didn’t have ANY public input at any of their public boundary task force meetings. I think it is time to start filing some complaints with the Open Meetings Commission. They could probably have hearings for about a week with all the violations.

The Advocacy Collective will be doing a presentation at the PTAB (Public Transit Advisory Board) meeting, Monday, February 24th, at 3:45 at the new City bldg.  

The presentation will be in support of enhancing our current fixed-route system vs. implementing an on-demand system which is scheduled for a pilot project this summer..

I know, I know….. ‘the train has already left the station’, esp. with PTH wanting to promote the on-demand system as ‘his plum project’ for the Harvard Bloomberg Initiative.  In spite of this, we will be continuing to speak out against this ill-conceived revamping of our public transit.

Many in our community are not even aware this major redesign of Sioux Area Metro is taking place. We have been speaking out (PTAB meetings, Stehly Report, etc.) for the past several months.  Those who will be part of the presentation Monday are individuals who have amassed decades of advocacy for SF vulnerable populations.  These are the people who have had ‘boots on the ground’ for many years working with segments of our city’s population who are reliant on SF public transit for both their work and personal lives.

The meeting will take place at 231 N. Dakota Avenue across the street from the Downtown Public Library.

Now that’s diversity folks!

No women, and not sure if any of them are a minority (one name appears to be of hispanic descent).

Today I helped welcome 12 new Sioux Falls Police Department recruits and their families to the City of Sioux Falls – Municipal Government and to a career of public safety and service. A Marine, Blackhawk pilot, National Guardsman, child services professional, University of Iowa graduate, corrections officer, and many other backgrounds ready for training and answering the call to public safety in Sioux Falls. Please join me in welcoming them! #OneSiouxFalls

This afternoon, Judge Houwman administered the oath to 12 new officers for the Sioux Falls Police Department. They will have several weeks of training before hitting the streets. Congratulations Emilio Hernandez, Mason Millard, Joe Hayes, Isaac Anderson Drew Zoellner, Tanner Pollema, Matthew Jock, Jacob Juelfs, Sam Buhr, Aaron Bennett, Jason Skallberg, and Kyle Grim! /713

The mayor also helped welcome the new recruits with his pants down. Now that’s ‘ONE’ Sioux Falls alright!

I also find it funny that above the post about the new recruits on FB there was this ad (one out of two on the diversity checklist is a start);