Sioux Falls

LameKota News Now

Yeah, it only took me two days to come up with a partially clever nickname to this new mashup.

I really don’t have much of an opinion since it has only been two days, but I really don’t see much of a difference so far. The format is still basically KSFY with some KDLT personalities thrown in.

I would think after having a year and a half to prepare for this it would be ground breaking, or at least a little different besides a new logo.

As I suspected this probably has nothing to do with giving us more local news or better weather forecasting, it is all about ad revenue.

What is the real population of Sioux Falls?

So we hear this rah-rah every year;

The population of Sioux Falls now is estimated at 190,750, according Director of Planning and Development Services Jeff Eckhoff.

The new total is 3,550 more people than year, marking a 1.9 percent growth rate. Last year, the city grew by 2.1 percent.

Since January 1, 2000, the city has seen a 67,000-person increase in our population. The last U.S. Census Bureau estimate in July 2018 showed a 4,995 increase—or 2.82 percent increase. By 2025, the population of Sioux Falls is projected to be 208,000.

Eckhoff said population figures relate to housing units required, and housing units consume land area; therefore, the land area needed is directly tied to the population figures within annual estimates and projections.

It’s going to be interesting to hear the ACTUAL population of Sioux Falls after the official census. It could be higher, but my guess is it will either be close to the estimate or lower.

While using housing units is ONE way to get an idea of population increase, it’s probably not that accurate because it is based on averages. I would like to see how many death and birth certificates were issued in Sioux Falls last year. I would also like to know how many minors moved to Sioux Falls last year with parents. My guess based on some figures from a few years ago, a big part of our population growth has to do with newborns.

Like I said, the Census will give us a better idea of the actual population. It will also give us a clear view of our workforce (how many people actually have full-time jobs that are not retired or minors). One reason why the city started bragging about these projections started with the former mayor, because population is tied to our bond rating, and the more people we have, the more we can borrow. I have often said that rating should only be tied to adults that are working full-time and NOT to minors, retired folks or part-timers.

Censored DTSF Burger Battle Burger

I was disappointed to hear that this burger name was censored by DTSF;

Where did this deliciousness get its name from…. The original name was The Krusti Noem Burger. Sadly, DTSF (Downtown Sioux Falls) does not support our freedom of speech and they were not going to allow us to be part of Burger Battle 2020 if we didn’t change the name. Not wanting any of you to be deprived of this mouthwatering burger we played nice and appropriately renamed it The Censored Burger [flyer posted by LoShi NayKali, Facebook, 2020.01.09].

I guess I would have been more clever and called it the Krusty Gnome, either way, it got me thinking about other burgers that could possibly be censored by DTSF (Please feel free to add to the list in the comments area)

10Haken Selfie BurgerSo handsome and beautiful you’ll want to take your picture with it.

The Mini-Ha-Ha Commissioner – This burger is only available at 9 AM on a Tuesday.

The McGoWOWan – marinated in whiskey, light beer and fantastic after a long drunken bike ride.

The Theresa – open face bun, almost transparent patty and made with bull meat. Tough and hard to swallow.

The ManSplainZertYou are required to eat with a fork and knife so you don’t get your hands all dirty and germy. It also comes with a 4-page document from the creator explaining the burger.

The Downtowner We are not sure what is on this burger since all of the ingredients have been censored.

The DorferYou can’t actually physically eat this burger, you can only view a picture of it using a phone app, but it does come with a FREE bus pass to the casino (and a drink coupon).

The RavonsburgerThe only ingredients listed are ‘Unconstitutional’.

The StaceThis burger is made with gun powder and angrily pounded patties.

The Mike Saburger – made with Egyptian beef and South Dakota soybeans.

The RS5 BurgerA patty the shape of the word ‘YES’ and pounded in darkness with a giant rubber stamp.

The Mickeysonmade with CAFO beef and only available at the SFSD cafeteria. It also comes with a yard sign, but you probably cannot afford it.

The Saudi Super StackCreated by the SD GOP chair and made with Iowa kosher beef. You must also put down a retainer before they will cook it and only pay for it with cash.

The Powerful Pitty Pattyclaims to be the best burger in the state, but kind of mysteriously tastes like fried cod.

The Ironic Johnny Thunburgtastes like nothing and has NO dietary benefits, but the POTUS gives it a B+.

The Dusty DinerThis is the perfect burger to snack on if you are just sitting around all afternoon in a small town cafe shooting the breeze with retired farmers and bitching about Mexicans.

The RoundsburgMade with processed beef from an EB-5 financed packing plant. Wait, didn’t they all close? It also comes with a demonstration from Lora Hubbel on how to shoot a shotgun using a 3 foot branch.

The MaherburgerYou’ll have to quit eating it before your finished, it also costs $300 million dollars.

The Siouxie Steelethis burger comes with a rebate to be paid back to you over the next 20 years.

The McLoyd – this burger is paid for by a generous donation from the city of Sioux Falls.

The Denty  – only available at the Events Center. It comes with a lopsided bun and a crooked patty that is forced down your throat by your server. This one also promises a rebate but you have to go to the SD Supreme Court to get it. It will probably win the burger battle, but only on an ‘advisory’ vote.

The Village River Bunker Stack the most expensive and ugliest burger on the menu, but it’s NOT available currently due to pending litigation on it’s ingredients.

The Copper Burgerthis one falls over on your plate before you can eat it and comes with a free LLC registration coupon.

The Big Piouxmarinated in the water of the Big Sioux River taken right below the packing plant. As a friend stated to me. ‘I never thought E-Coli could taste so good?’ Expect a porky, pesticide ammonia after taste to last for days.

The Levitt Lisciousthe only totally FREE burger, but you have to buy a drink.

The Jazzy FestivalThis burger will be discontinued next year.

The Arguliscious only available online, occasionally, expensive and not very filling.

The Stormland Telly Burger only good on a rainy day

The KSFDLTY Burgerincludes ingredients from all the food trucks in Sioux Falls and some of Shawn Cable’s hair gel.

The Brady Malliscious Pompaburger – Absolutely Fabulous Bitches!

The All of a Suddon Billie Burger – Just a half of ounce shy of a full pound of beef, but very Christian.

The DaCola bitter and full of sh*t.

The My Man Mayor Bowlcut and Bucktooth burger – full of more sh*t than my burger, but so incredibly polished you can see your reflection in the patty.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Jan 14, 2020

City Council Operations Committee • 2 PM

I was surprised on Friday to see that these meetings will now be opened to the public. The chair had this to say;

That’s why Council vice-chair Greg Neitzert, who presides over the operations committee, decided to start letting sunshine into the meetings beginning this month.

“I’ve thought they should be open for a long time,” he told the Argus Leader. “It just created this aura that there was this big thing going on behind the scenes and there’s not. So why not just open it up.

“It’ll be just like any other committee,” he added.

While this is a good move, it should have happened 4 years ago when Neitzert got elected. The timing of this just a couple of months away from the city election is an ‘interesting’ move since Greg is up for re-election. The 2 PM time on a Tuesday afternoon is also ‘interesting’. Much like the CRC meetings, at a time that is NOT convenient for people to watch live or attend in person. But, I will say it is a good move, better late than never.

They will do a Review of the City Council Policies and Procedures Manual and the City Council Reference Manual

Informational Meeting • 4 PM

They will have presentations on (no supporting PDF docs yet);

• Sioux Falls Skate Park (this is exciting and hope they are getting closer to their fundraising goals to start the project).

• Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan – Preliminary Recommendations

• National League of Cities Trip Update

Regular Meeting • 7 PM

Item #14, 1st Reading, Yard Sign regulations;

Noncommercial yard signs. Noncommercial signs shall not exceed 9 square feet per sign in any residential parcel

They are looking to delete the line ‘with two signs allowed’. While I don’t take issue with the proposed change, I don’t think it should be implemented BEFORE the April city election. This seems like a sneaky attempt to put up as many large political yard signs as possible before that election. I would encourage the council to defer this until after the election. In its current trajectory it would become in effect in February.

Staff is looking to remove the limit of two non-commercial yard signs allowed on a single residential parcel. Property owners would be able to display as many as they would like. Finally, we are looking to increase the amount of time each sign can be placed on a property from 60 days to 90 days.

Item #15, Resolution, agreeing to allowing refugee resettlement. I totally agree with this resolution. America was built on immigrants, and I don’t think our values should change.

Item #16, Anti-Hate resolution. I also agree with this, but think it should be amended to include ALL groups that are discriminated against, including sexual preference. I also think it should include city funding of public service announcements and education seminars about why we should accept those that are different to us. The issue I have with this resolution is that it would be hard to prosecute people for practicing their 1st Amendment rights. You may not like it that people HATE others for whatever reason, but you can’t criminalize ignorance. It is what it is. But you CAN hold out a hand, give them a hug, and explain to them why what they are doing is wrong. Prosecuting ‘Haters’ will only inflame them and make them more bitter. Working with their ‘attitudes’ and changing their opinions should be the ultimate goal. You only eliminate hate thru love, understanding and education.

Millions in building permits for 2019 pay NO property taxes

While we are bragging about building permits for last year, we need to take into account many of these projects pay NO or little in property taxes;

  • Jefferson High School, $68.4 million
  • Ben Reifel Middle School, $27.9 million
  • The city of Sioux Falls pump station, $22.3 million
  • Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital, $15.5 million
  • Avera McKennan operating room renovation, $12 million
  • Avera Human Performance Center, $11.7 million
  • Avera Presentation Center, $7 million

As you can see almost $145 million in projects will pay little to no property taxes. So what is the economic impact? Higher taxes for the rest of us working stiffs.

See all of the stats HERE