Sioux Falls

Sanford wants to get involved with new Badlands Veteran Center

An anonymous veteran sent me this today;

Passed with American Legion last night. 16 vet groups are proposed at former Badlands With Legion & VFW major players. Badlands also includes liquor license and adjoining prior Hoy building offices.  VFW vote is 11/4. VFW is presently closed. Legion Post 15 is 1,500 active members.

Disturbing:  City attorney has privately organized this with new nonprofit corporation. Sanford is a major player who will have offices there supposedly for vet health care advisory.

VFW would sell property at Minnesota & 229. Includes mini warehouses and fast food place. Value is more than $10 million. 

Legion would sell their property for about 1 million but includes liquor license (330k). 

There’s a purchase option on Badlands property that must be exercised soon. 

American Legion and VFW in Sioux City have failed and are closed. Badlands will become not only local but regional and a national focus if not trait. Legion/VFW have combined in several other SD cities. 

Predicted first year operations at Badlands will be about 10 million with a 300k profit. Land and improvements owned. Property tax exempt. 

City of Sioux Falls Innovation Coordinator worked for Mayor’s ‘former’ company Click Rain

Obviously, this isn’t some big secret if it is listed on LinkedIn, BUT, not sure how many people know this. It is also interesting that she worked for Sanford before Click Rain. I also find it odd that a Communication and Journalism major would know very little about open meeting laws.

TWO things;

• Do you think it is a conflict for the mayor to hire someone who came from his former company?

• Why did his former company let her go to the city? Were there some back door deals made?

The Telecoms are Full of Crap!

I won’t get into whether or not 5G causes Cancer or if the Chinese are spying on us, my butt hurt over 5G has always been the lack of public input and involvement;

“Thanks to the outspoken, progressive leaders, the network will launch by the end of the year, making Sioux Falls one of the first cities in the nation with 5G technology,” a news release said.

The Sioux Falls City Council was titty-twisted into approving this, coming down from on high from Ironic Johnny Thune-Bag and his water boy Mayor TenHaken because of millions in lobbyist money.

The public was NEVER consulted on whether they wanted this, or needed it.

I almost threw up a little when they used the words ‘outspoken’ and ‘progressive’. There is nothing brave or liberal about implementing 5G without public input. In fact the whole basis of bold leadership is listening to the needs of the citizens. The way 5G was implemented in Sioux Falls was a farce, and it has nothing to do with progressive movements but more like capitalist tricks and capitalist welfare.

Innovation or Fascism?

I kind of got a good laugh out of this story when I first read it. I have a close relative who lives in the Seattle area, and he is a fan of the blog, he recently said to me in one of our ranting phone conversations, “I wish you would come to Seattle and clean up the local government mess we have here!” I of course I cleaned that quote up for my delicate readers. It seems no matter where you live, when these local government folks get together, the BS flows like water down the Swiss Alps on a warm spring day;

City leaders face similar challenges in the early days of setting up innovation offices: explaining to city employees what they mean by innovation, getting them comfortable with new ways of working, getting some quick wins. Eventually, they have to think bigger, said Tina Walha, Director of Innovation and Performance in Seattle.

Because, you know life is about the ‘Quick Wins’. Oh, the stories I could tell about the Seattle area and it’s ‘Quick Wins.’ But our own Innovation Guru had this interesting tidbit to add;

Support from political leaders, particularly the mayor, is critical. Jason Reisdorfer, Director of Innovation in Sioux Falls, S.D., said he couldn’t get far in his role if Mayor Paul TenHaken wasn’t constantly talking up the value of trying new ways of solving problems.

“Culture is modeled from the top-down,” Reisdorfer said. “It starts with the mayor. The mayor sets the bar super high and encourages risk-taking and trial and error. It’s on us as innovation chiefs to carry that down through the organization. It’s probably our number one job.”

The best ideas come from citizens, and an effective leader takes the citizens ideas and runs with them. I call it ‘from the bottom up.’ To often our supposed leaders think they have the best ideas, when in reality the real culture of a community comes from citizens who get engaged. And when you ignore them, you are only looked upon as a self serving dictator, and not a leader.

Let’s end with a little old skool propaganda;

The ‘Living Mans’ case gets stranger by the day

In another weird twist I was NOT expecting (my predictions on this case have been way off . . . really way off), The Living Man was given NO additional jail time AND is allowed to confront the mayor at public meetings as long as he does not get within in 15 feet of the mayor (he wouldn’t want to scuff his sneakers 🙂

So why do I think the judge decided this, oh, it may have to do with that pesky 1st Amendment that so many politicians struggle with. Mayor Selfie had this to say in his letter to the judge (full transcript below the story);

“It was clear to me that Mr. Bruce’s disapproval of my leadership had crossed the line from a policy debate and delved into a pattern of threatening and harassing communication that included not just me, but my family,” the letter said.

While it pains me, I will agree with Paul on one thing, even if you know it is hyperbole, don’t use words like ‘bullets’ when addressing politicians. I know our own leader of this great nation has stooped to that level, but there is never a need to confuse the delicate leaders of this great city with our POTUS’ offensive language, or at least language they believe is threatening, that being said, I really think that TLM was well within his rights, and not having a record of ever hurting anyone in the past, except their feelings, the judge really had no choice.

As a person who has followed 1st Amendment cases, and is a proud member of the National Coalition Against Censorship, I take this sh*t seriously. Elected officials may not like you playing imaginary violins in the back row at council meetings, but they signed up for this, they have taken an oath of office to highest law of the land, the US Constitution, and if they don’t like it they have two choices, 1) they can practice the same rights afforded to them and debate their accusers in a public forum OR 2) resign. But jailing people because your feelings are hurt is what they do in countries like Russia.

I’m going to enjoy TLM’s public inputs moving forward. I really need to start selling popcorn in front of Carnegie and make a little money from all this corruption.

Not sure who drew the spikes around the city seal, but it was a nice touch 🙂