Sioux Falls

UPDATE: What?! You mean we are asking for Federal Assistance for the tornado incident?

UPDATE: At the Sioux Falls City Council Informational meeting today, councilor Erickson said that by having homeowners and volunteers cleanup their own mess after the tornados it gave them a ‘sense of pride’ and that they ‘shouldn’t depend on government for everything’. Thanks Ronald Reagan. What I find ironic is that while we pay taxes to help us all collectively when things like this occur (natural disasters) and infrastructure repair, their is NOTHING in our city charter that requires us to provide entertainment to us with our tax dollars, or to enrich private developers. But Erickson and several other councilors have never even twitched when giving massive bailouts and taxpayer incentives to private non-profits and private developers. Maybe the next time one of them shows up for our tax dollars and a handout, they should tell them the same, ‘You shouldn’t depend on government’ to subsidize your bottom line.

So where do all the volunteers go to collect their checks?

As I said when the Mayor couldn’t figure out if he wanted to use city personnel for cleanup or not, it seems they had a change of heart, or at least Gov. Donita Trump did;

Governor Kristi Noem has requested a presidential disaster declaration for damage done by September storms in South Dakota.

That includes the three tornadoes that struck portions of Sioux Falls and extreme flooding that occurred in the cities of Madison and Mitchell.

The request is for Sept. 9-Sept. 26 and includes at least $17 million in requested federal assistance.

Kinda of funny how it works, isn’t it? We pay Federal Income Taxes, and when we have trouble, and natural disasters, they pay up, or at least we hope they will.

Sioux Falls Bunker Ramp, the gift that keeps giving

I think I have already written that headline . . . a couple of times. Yes folks, the lawsuits keep adding up. Now a neighbor is pissed about this unsightly project;

The owners of a neighboring building just east of the Sioux Falls parking ramp, which was supposed to become a mixed-use facility, are serving notice to the City that they may sue because the project fell through.

River Centre at 200 E. 10th Street has several owners. Earthbend Properties, LLC and Riverview Holdings, LLC, which both have interest in the building, claim the City’s failure to complete the mixed-use portion of the project has caused them a loss in business and the value of their property to go down.

This is the building to the east. I think they are suing because the bunker ramp is uglier then their building, that’s my guess anyway.

I can’t even write angry rants about this anymore because it is turning into the worst decision city elected officials (and unelected officials) ever made, and when they had an opportunity to fix it, they made more bad decisions. And get this, no one has apologized yet. Not only is Trump running our healthcare institutions in Sioux Falls, apparently he is running city government to. I’m just waiting for one of the RS5 councilors to come out and say, “My vote on the Bunker Ramp was PERFECT!”.

Sioux Falls Transit meeting probably violated open meeting laws today

I know, I was shocked to hear the news to 🙁

Besides the fact that there are NO supporting documents online, I guess no supporting documents or presentations were available at the meeting either. If what I was told of the meeting was true, well, that’s kind of an open meetings violation.

I think it is time to start doing some citizen arrests 🙂

Also, I guess the all knowing Tech Director, Jason ‘The Toolsalesman’ Reisdorfer did not attend because he is busy bragging on FB that he is drinking at the Smithsonian. Please tell me this wasn’t at taxpayer expense.

Sioux Falls Art Mystery of the Day

So today I decided to go take some picts of the new murals. Below are some pictures of the deer mural. The top picture was from last week, the bottom picture is from today. The third eye on the deer was painted over. I asked someone today associated with the project (not the artist) what happened to the the third eye, they didn’t know, but I suspect they will be looking into it. I don’t think the mural is finished yet – maybe it is?

The definition of a third eye;

The third eye (also called the mind’s eye, or inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight.

One of the most powerful and important gods in Hinduism, Shiva is referred to as Tryambaka, or “the three eyed one” in the Rig Veda, a Hindu scripture from around 1500 BCE. In visual art, Shiva is often depicted with a third eye, and his worshippers believe he uses the third eye to manifest his powers. In the Sanskrit epic poem the Mahabarata, Shiva reduces Kama, the god of desire, into ashes with his third eye. Allegorically, this connects the third eye with wisdom and enlightenment—Shiva possesses the power to destroy the universe in order to recreate it.

I’m not sure if the eye was painted over due to censorship, or if the artist just said, “You know what, I really don’t think it looks good.”

As you may or may not know, the wall is owned by Mayor TenHaken, but I’m not sure where the funds came from to pay the artists – assuming they got paid.

Hopefully we will get some answers.