Sioux Falls

More Problems with a certain developer?

I was put on alert of this investigation by Angela Kennecke since March of this year by some unnamed sources. I also know who the city officials are that tipped Angela off on these problems, and a certain Cajun transplant. I figured I would let it ‘run it’s course’ and happy to see she finally is reporting her findings.

It will be interesting to see what ‘developer’ Kennecke says owns these apartments, because there seems to be a dispute over LLCs. Imagine that!

I know, it isn’t a hard one to figure out.

I heard they are going to rename the garages turned apartments into the Village Copper Boomerang Estates 🙁

More twists and turns with the Bunker Ramp

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, the Bunker Ramp is the evil step child that keeps giving;

The letter also says that the completion guarantee allows them to complete the project “and the Parties hereby give notice of their intent to do so.”

They say the City’s termination of the agreement was based on “. . . acts and/or omissions by the City in reckless and negligent disregard of the rights of the Parties after termination of the Development Agreement, give rise to claims, hereby noticed, for wrongful, willful, malicious, fraudulent and/or oppressive breach of contract, civil conspiracy in doing so,”

Under state law, plaintiffs have to give notice to a government like the City of Sioux Falls before they can file a lawsuit.

In other words, the project’s guarantors want to finish the project, and they are going to sue the city to do so.

As we know (or maybe we don’t) the city dumped them because they wanted to reduce the size of the project. I still think it was a bad idea to go into business with peeps who are going to probably receive a $500K fine for the Copper Lounge building collapse (excluding Lamont, who is represented by a separate attorney in this dispute).

Either way, I suspect the city wanted an out for two reasons, and NOT because of the reduction in size;

• I believe they didn’t want to go into business with the Four Horseman who are embroiled in Federal charges.

• I also believe they have someone waiting in the wings to snatch this project up, I have my guesses, but I will keep them to myself for now. I can hear the grand arguments already “Developer ‘X’ has came in to save this project and make it even better! Not only will we roll out the red carpet for being our savior, but we will throw a TIF in to boot.”

This is all speculation of course . . .

Isn’t it crazy how our city government doesn’t even bother to hide from being corrupt anymore? The last mayor made it look so easy.

This project will go down in history as one of the WORST decisions our elected officials have ever made, and that is a hard competition to win when you are competing with Phillips to the Falls, The Denty, City Admin building, RR Redevelopment project and the Midco.

TenHaken’s PAC begs for money in fundraising email

When I first got this email, I thought it was some kind of joke. Make no mistake, Paul is raising money for candidates that will be potentially running against Starr and Stehly (if they choose to run).

I also got a chuckle out of the picture PTH used. This is from the Trump rally where Noem refused to pay Sioux Falls taxpayers over $20K for private fundraiser security. Notice the presidential seal is Photoshopped out. I probably wouldn’t mention the president either in his current state of affairs.

I also enjoy the typos and half-truths included in the email, in classic Trump style, TJ must have wrote it.


Nearly a year and a half ago, the people of Sioux Falls put their trust in me to lead our great city. During this time, our administration has been working hard to transform City Hall into a place of thinks innovatively and is focused on providing high-quality services for our citizens. 

Being your mayor is an honor and I’m proud of the many accomplishments of my first few months in office. Some highlights include::

  • Launching the One Sioux Falls framework and collaborating with community leaders.
  • Cracking down on drug dealers with more officers like the new Narcotics Crime Unit and a new narcotics sergeant.
  • Uniting a community in the aftermath of flooding and tornadoes.
  • Focusing on infrastructure investments with the highest percentage of your tax dollars going toward road and bridge projects than previous decades. We’ve also invested in an upgraded sewer system needed for future growth. 
  • Creating a Department of Innovation and Technology to catch up with other cities and adopt new technology so that Sioux Falls is a national leader in 5G readiness, transit, data-driven solutions, open data, and more.
  • Acting fiscally responsible by paying off millions of dollars of city debt early and eliminating wasteful spending to focus on the core essentials of city government. 

We’ve made some big strides, but we’re just getting warmed up. I would appreciate your continued support as we look toward the future of our city. 

Would you consider a financial gift to ensure we keep this momentum going?

We live in an incredible community and have much to be thankful for in Sioux Falls. I’m thankful everyday for the honor to serve as your mayor and I’m especially thankful for the support and prayers from friends like you. 

In service,

Charges against ‘The Living Man’ are slowly withering away before his trial even begins

This is what happens when paranoid politicians freak out about an email full of hyperbole. First his bond is reduced from $50K to $0, now this;

A man accused of harassing and stalking Mayor Paul TenHaken is no longer facing a felony charge.

Second Circuit Court Jon Sogn agreed with Bruce in a written opinion issued last week.

“For the purposes of this case, if the Legislature had intended to include an out of state stalking conviction for purposes of enhancement under SDCL 22-19A-1, it could have easily done so, as it did in the examples set forth above,” Sogn wrote. “Because the Legislature did not do so, it is not absurd or unreasonable to believe that the Legislature intended the defendant to be first convicted or heard in its own courts, based on South Dakota’s own statutory language, prior to imposing an enhanced penalty.”

Bruce is a critic of 5G technology and takes issue with the mayor working with communication companies to bring the technology, which is billed as providing the fastest internet speeds in the world, to Sioux Falls. A series of emails sent to TenHaken and city councilors were deemed to be threats by Sioux Falls police.

Bruce is representing himself in the case, scheduled for trial later this month.

I have a feeling it will be determined that his ’emails’ were simply sarcasm that is protected by the 1st Amendment and the charges will be thrown out. I will even go farther to say that the charges will probably be dropped before the trial even starts. Just a guess.

It’s unfortunate that tax dollars were wasted on pursuing this. I have had no serious contact with ‘The living man’ only to tell him in a short email that I would like to hear his side of the story AFTER the trial and me writing a defense of him before it went to court wouldn’t do him any favors.

I also recommend that people don’t send emails to politicians that contain hyperbole or sarcastic remarks about weapons or ammunition. I have found that our local politicians, of all stripes, are very delicate individuals who are quick to cry when someone is picking on them. Next time the mayor needs to call a whaaaabulance instead of the police.

The lack of transparency creates mistrust in police

So there was an officer involved shooting last night, but little details;

The suspect in that call was believed to be armed in the 3600 block of North 6th Avenue.

Police don’t know how many shots were fired at this time.

The suspect is in the hospital and his condition is unknown at this time.

What kind of weapon was he carrying? A gun? A knife? A baseball bat?

The officer doesn’t know how to count bullets in his clip?

You mean the hospital isn’t telling the investigating officer/supervisor the condition of the suspect?

Yeah . . . right.

If the SFPD would be more transparent about their business, people would trust them more. There is absolutely NO reason why the police cannot answer those very simple questions above, and since the suspect is in custody, there is really NO reason to keep them a secret. It will be interesting to hear what information they give us at the police briefing.