Sioux Falls

City holding ‘gun violence’ meeting at community center w/no parking

It was pointed out to me that the parking lot at Kenny Anderson Community Center has been torn up this summer, so I am curious where people are going to park tomorrow night at the town hall meeting.

I also wonder if Governor Noem will be invited to the meeting since she thought it was so wise to sign in a concealed weapon law this past legislative session?

Found on Facebook

I went down and looked at the viewing platform yesterday, this guy had to climb over quite a few rocks and obstacles to get here. I’m more concerned about the health problems he may encounter from eating fish from the Big Poo then from falling in. The signs (posted in several locations) says, ‘NO RIVER ACCESS BEYOND THIS POINT.’

When hiring a professional, it’s good to use a professional recruiter

With Jason Ball leaving the Chamber (I wish him luck, Austin, TX is fantastic!) the Chamber had this to say about hiring a replacement;

The chamber board will use Waverly Associates to begin the search for a new executive. The firm previously has provided executive search services for the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce, the Sioux Falls Development Foundation and the Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce. It also is the firm that brought Ball to Sioux Falls when Evan Nolte retired.

GET OUT! You mean when you are looking for someone qualified you would hire a recruiter?! Maybe pass this little tidbit of information on to Councilor Neitzert and the Audit committee. Oh, wait, several committee members and councilors told him they should use a professional recruiter. But that’s not how Greg rolls, he knows what is best because he does his ‘research’. You know, because it’s much cheaper to pay someone to train on the job instead of hiring someone qualified to begin with.