Sioux Falls

Levitt Announces 2019 Concert Series

I still have to do some more research on the bands, but some really stand out (I bolded the bands I have either seen or heard before). Jonathan Byrd is fantastic. I’m really excited about the series and will try to attend most of the concerts. This is a very good thing for Sioux Falls. Hopefully in 2020 we can BYOB. As I have told councilors it is just a matter of changing city ordinance to allow BYOB at Falls Park West (which really isn’t a part of Falls Park, though they keep claiming it is).

UPDATE: I started linking some YT vids of the bands. Lots of great stuff and it’s all FREE!

Americana Series

Sponsored by CorTrust Bank

Rock Series

Sponsored by First PREMIER Bank

Women of Song Series 

Sponsored by Avera

World Music Series

Sponsored by MetaBank

The Family Series 

Sponsored by an anonymous donor supporting Therapy Dogs International

If the media is getting it wrong, maybe you should talk to the media

When I first started reading this story on SooFooBizzo I had to double check to see if I was on the Sioux Falls Headliner site, because some of the things said are laughable;

The new plan at 152 rooms represents an estimated $45 million in private development, “so we’re well above and beyond what the city approved for this project,” Lamont said.

Huh? Remember the last project that wanted to make changes to the pre-approved plan next to 8th and Railroad. It’s dead.

“AC has its own lounge, which is a bar with tapas-style appetizers,” Lamont said.

Someone should tell Jeff the word tapas means appetizers, I’m just saying.

“We’ve got clothing stores interested in the retail, coffee shops, office space, things like that,

You mean like every other strip mall in Sioux Falls, surprised he didn’t say pizzeria.

The project scaled back after two potential incentives didn’t materialize, including new market tax credits from the federal government. While the credits looked promising last year, the location of the project changed from what the government considered “severely distressed” to “distressed,” Lamont said.

Yeah, I’m sure it has NOTHING to do with one of your partners being investigated by the Feds. I doubt the two departments even talk to each other . . .

The developers also requested tax increment financing from the city, but city officials decided not to recommend it.

“They don’t think they can support it or that it would gain traction,” he said, acknowledging the parking ramp that supports the project was publicly funded.

“That definitely is nice,” he said.

That’s so sweet of him to compliment the taxpayers for getting bent over the barrel on this.

The city offered a property tax incentive that the project automatically qualifies to receive as well as a business improvement district tax rebate. The latter will need City Council approval.

Thanks for the ‘NICE’ $26 million dollar parking ramp, oh, and BTW can we get a tax rebate on a for-profit hotel on prime real estate? The city council would be absolutely insane to approve a rebate, but the track record lately of the rubber stamp 5 is less then stellar.

The city is reviewing proposed changes to the project scope to determine the financial impact to the city, said Erica Beck, the mayor’s chief of staff.

“Our top priorities are complying with the existing agreement and avoiding financial burdens to the taxpayers as a result of any proposed changes,” she said in a statement.

In other words, don’t f’ck us over.

The group has the financial capacity to make the project happen, he added.

What? Did he send another one page letter that said ‘Were good for it’ and ‘the check is in the mail’.

“The media reports keep alluding the project is in jeopardy,” he said. “That’s absolutely incorrect.”

Maybe if you actually talked to the media instead of a content marketing business website the media would be reporting the truth, even though I think they already are.

The city council approved the $50K to a law firm last night without discussion that specializes in ‘ironing out’ deals like this. I have a feeling this is going to get ugly before it gets ‘nice’.

Mayor Paul TenHaken’s office plays the bait and switch again tonight, or is it less complicated then that?

I’m actually surprised a good X-Tian like PTH doesn’t know what the NT has said about hypocrites;

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. – James 1:22

So this has happened three times now;

Stehly and Starr suggest we fund pothole fillin’ more, resolution gets voted down yet the mayor sends out an army to fill potholes (a couple an hour).

Stehly and Starr suggest Events Center Book Club meetings are open to the public, resolution gets voted down (or thrown out) can’t remember. Mayor opens up the meetings (yet no recordings have happened yet).

Tonight, happens again, Starr and Stehly suggest the housing summit’s registration is FREE and video recorded. It fails in a 4/3 vote with mayor breaking tie. But during the discussion, Tea, SD resident and Housing Director for SF, Chellac Unruh announces the fee will be waived (for the poor folk) and it will be video recorded.

So if Stehly and Starr’s resolutions are so bad and fail to pass, why is the mayor implementing the policy anyway?

Oh, right, that thing about being a hypocrite, I forgot.

Stehly responds to ED Board

I couldn’t have said it better myself, and for the record I never saw this response until I read it online a few minutes ago. I know some people think that I ‘feed’ Theresa stuff, but I have often contended she is her own person;

I will continue to make decisions and take actions to support, inform and protect the citizens I am pledged to represent.  I refuse to go along to get along as the Editorial Board suggests. I will continue to promote constituent concerns while reaching out to help the taxpayers. They are the boss and taxpayer revenues are theirs. I will strive to make prudent, informed decisions, even if my colleagues don’t agree with me.

Yes Theresa, unfortunately it’s all about the Reindeer Games in Sioux Falls.