Sioux Falls

City of Sioux Falls Sustainability fight heating up

Arlene Brandt-Jenson, Administrative Coordinator, SoDak 350 and President, League of Women Voters – Sioux Falls, also wrote a letter to editor with her opinion on what happened;

The Mayor’s new policy advisor, which had not been a part of the monthslong process, says the new “framework” was created in response to concerns from “people” and “the public,” without disclosing sources.

Because they have no sources except political hacks and they would never give that information up;

Let’s be clear: city leadership has shown that they only care about the few loud voices who want to kick the can down the road. By replacing the Sustainable Sioux Falls Plan with a shoddy “framework,” the administration that once committed to grow Sioux Falls through “consensus and transparency” has chosen to override consensus for purposes of apparent political expediency.

I have NOT met with or spoken to any members of this group. I know what the media has been reporting and little else (just like the public).

It was actually refreshing to see a group call out the subversion of information the mayor’s office has been engaging in. While Lori said she would be interviewing the mayor on the topic, a video has yet to pop up. Maybe the press briefings will be re-instated this week and we will hear about these supposed sources that gutted the sustainability recommendations. We can all dream I guess (just make sure you are NOT dreaming next to a river shirtless).

The Photographic Backdrop of Falls Park forever ruined

Ever wonder why no one takes a picture of themselves at Falls Park with their camera pointed North?

Oink! Oink!

It seems we have another hog trough to the South of Falls Park except these pigs are gorging themselves on TIFs.

I often wonder if the architects, developers, engineers, investors and city planners behind this project ever thought about the skyline they were creating when families and tourists take photos at Falls Park? Maybe they knew exactly what this obstruction of pre-fab concrete would look like and why no mention of the future skyline.

When planning large developments around tourist attractions (our only one) the city planning office should have been more cognizant of the final skyline.

I also wonder if Experience Sioux Falls will change all of their marketing photos of Falls Park showing off the new condolicious skyline of our namesake?

I’m not sure what this ‘One Sioux Falls’ thing is all about, but it certainly isn’t about community collaboration and input.

Sioux Falls Mayor TenHaken’s newest policy advisor has experience in Pumpkin Recycling

Paul’s newest advisor, Jenna Harris, comes from San Diego where she served as an advisor to a city councilor there. One of her achievements was this;

Seeing the need to divert solid waste and raise awareness of climate action goals, I designed and implemented the City’s Pumpkin Composting Pilot Program, diverting thousands of pounds of Halloween pumpkins from the landfill. 

There is so much turnover in the Mayor’s Office lately, one has to wonder who is advising him and if this advisor had anything to do with white washing the sustainability recommendations? I think Charlie Brown would have something to say about it.

After Maher saddles Sioux Falls with $300 million in debt and the BOR in disarray leaves for Nebraska

Nothing more disheartening then when government entities bring in hired guns and after the smoke clears they leave for greener pastures;

The South Dakota Board of Regents CEO and Director, Brian Maher, has been selected as a finalist for the next Nebraska Commissioner of Education.

Maher was with us in South Dakota for almost 8 years and in his two positions he has left quite the impact. He was rumored to have been brought in to get the school bond passed ($300 million bond debt). You remember that one with hand counting by district employees and computer tabulation input by administrators.

I hope the Nebraska board of education takes a deep dive into Maher’s history in South Dakota; saddling Sioux Falls residents with millions in debt and leaving the SDBOR in cultural disarray. Seems like some good resume builders. You also wonder what kind of pension, if any, Maher will be receiving from either the SFSD or the SDBOR (he may not be getting anything besides his salary, maybe something the media should look into).

Well at least he isn’t moving to California 🙁