Sioux Falls

Will the recommended new Internal Auditor be announced today?

Usually on Friday afternoon, the Sioux Falls city council announces their agenda for the following Tuesday meeting. They are having a ‘special’ meeting next week to approve the special funding for the Lotta neighborhood (which I think has the full support of the council, though there may be some back and forth about where the money is coming from).

City Hall moles tell me that the agenda will also probably include a resolution to hire the new internal auditor, and here is the kicker, they are moving from a city department to work for the city council.

If this is the case, can you say ‘Conflict of Interest’?

Why doesn’t the City of Sioux Falls post (official) meetings to Youtube?

A question we have asked for a very long time. It didn’t happen in the last administration, and it isn’t happening in the current one.

First off, there is ZERO cost to post meetings on Youtube. The only cost would be converting and uploading the video, which essentially would take an IT developer a couple of minutes to start the process.

While the city does post a handful of produced videos from CityLink to Youtube, most important meetings like the official ones (City Council, boards, press conferences) are not.

In fact the city has gotten into the habit of doing live videos on FB. While this works great for live feeds, it does nothing for people who are not on FB. Those videos should be converted so they can not only post on the city’s official website (not just FB) but in Youtube also (you can also live feed in Youtube).

Many local governments across the state and region post Youtube videos of their meetings, including Brandon, Mitchell, Minnehaha County, SFSD and Omaha. In fact there is very few local governments that don’t use Youtube to post official meetings.

So with all this innovation, why can’t the city of Sioux Falls do something so simple that other governments have figured out? Beats me.