Sioux Falls

My faves of Sioux Falls!

I don’t really get into New Years Sh!t, but each year I like to look back on my best experiences in Sioux Falls;

• Favorite place to be; Sioux Falls Bike Trail. I rode over 2,000 miles last year on the bike trail and surrounding streets. It is my special place, exploring nature, cranking music and deep in thought. Sunsets and Sunrises, turtles, turkeys, geese, ducks and snakes and of course Ralphie the Rhino that always makes me smile when I pass him or her.

• Best meal; this one is so easy; Shrimp Tacos at Jacky’s Burrito Express, with a side of refried beans. The slaw and corn tortilla’s are heaven.

• Best Beer; Look’s Meat Market. This personal title has been officially stolen from Woodgrain, which are still fantastic! But head brewer Chad’s beers at Look’s are full flavored, complex, unique, and of quality. This guy is the Renaissance (beer) Man of Sioux Falls beer. HE MADE A MALT LIQUOR THAT IS DRINKABLE!

• Best place to hear FREE outdoor music; Levitt. While I bitch about finances and beer sales, we have an incredible musical gift with this place and I hope a treasure for years to come.

• Best place to get your 2-wheeled ride worked on; Sioux Falls Bicycle Company. Fast turnaround, great location, incredible customer service!

• Best place to see live music; Icon Lounge/Dada Gastropub. I just struggle to find a better place to see incredible underground music. The atmosphere, sound and staff make this really Sioux Falls best place to see a club show!

• Favorite dive bar; of course the Top Hat, but new entries this year for me is the Log Cabin and Ken’s Korner.

• Best place to service and buy a car; Vern Eide. I am on my 3rd Honda from them and they go above and beyond.

• Best retiring law maker, former Minnehaha County Commissioner, Jeff Barth. Not only is Jeff smart, calculated and compassionate, he is funny as Hell! I look forward to more of our ‘off the record’ conversations!

• Best Cocktail Foo-Foo; Hello Hi. These guys step it up a notch, and they have one of the best pizza places in town.

• Best place to drink beer; Monks. Duh. While I loved the old Monks, the new one is even better with amazing rotating taps, wonderful, knowledgeable staff and great pizza. They also take the title of best salad in town with their Greek salad. I also like the sort of dive bar atmosphere and comfortable setting. Now if they just ban dogs and strollers I might just go there everyday.

• Best Sioux Falls City Councilor; Pat Starr. While he gets beat up a lot, he is the remaining voice of reason on the city council. I told him the other day he should run for mayor. He just laughed. Whatever Starr decides to do after his term is up next year, he will be supported.

Sioux Falls neighbors not happy about planned homeless shelter

In case you missed this a few days ago, I did to;

Meanwhile, in downtown Sioux Falls, the Bishop Dudley House had been looking at the possibility of different temporary family housing locations.

The two partners found each other in large part because ICAP had received federal money that could be used for the former Children’s Inn building and a type of homeless non-congregate temporary housing.

While I would agree converting the former Children’s Inn site into a family transitional homeless facility is probably a good fit, the planning was not. The neighborhood is up in arms over not being brought along in the process or even told about the plans. The rumor is they are planning a petition drive to stop this somehow.

This of course is how we do governmental business now in Sioux Falls. Ramrod it through, don’t tell anyone, and after we get approval apologize for screwing up, and always remember to say, ‘This will never happen again.’

The best way to reassure crap like this never happens again is to vote these sophomoric clowns out of office in the next election, or better yet, recall them NOW!

Precedent after precedent, after precedent. When are we going to learn?

6th Street Bunker Bridge Debacle proves the Sioux Falls City Council is bought and paid for, again

While the Sioux Falls City Council still has an opportunity to redeem themselves next Monday with a reconsideration on the vote, I don’t have much hope they will get the 5 votes needed to overturn it.

Most people would jump at a do-over, especially after finding out as NO fault of their own they were mislead into believing it was an EMERGENCY. We all know now that was a bunch of phooey.

The main reason this redemption may not happen is that the 6 councilors who originally voted for this have all received campaign funding and endorsements from Mayor TenHaken. I can almost guarantee without his campaign assistance, PAC money and endorsements the last 4 elected would have all lost or had been close races.

Paul knows what he did, they know what he did, we all know how that cookie crumbles.

Ask Janet Brekke and Theresa Stehly what happens to you when you challenge our very own King of Scotland. The castle tower you live in becomes very cold and dark very suddenly.

City of Sioux Falls to receive $320K for failed geothermal system on the administration building

I originally requested this settlement in the middle of July and it wasn’t finalized until the end of that month. I received the settlement yesterday after I re-requested it from the city attorney’s office; ENTIRE DOCUMENT

As you can see below the city will receive a settlement even though all parties involved have agreed to ‘no fault’.

Geothermal systems work when they are installed properly and can save the users a lot of money in energy costs. What is NOT in this settlement is the cost to install a whole new traditional chiller system, the massive amount of water that was lost when it malfunctioned and the energy costs the city will now have to incur due to the more traditional HVAC system and our legal fees (which probably equals half of the settlement).

They got off easy. Too easy.

What is even more troubling is that an assistant city clerk and the chief of staff signed off the settlement. More sloppy legal documents. Tom and Paul must have been too busy enjoying Father’s Day in a remote location to sign off on the agreement. Was it gay pride weekend?

It would be nice to know the true price tag this screwup cost taxpayers. We may never know. It is also interesting to see that KHA is once again involved with a settlement for bad consulting (Events Center siding debacle).

The Riverline District needs to be housing, and that’s it.

I will agree this will be a prime piece of land for development but not without many challenges.

The one thing it doesn’t need to be is another play palace or baseball stadium. This city has plenty of recreation opportunities. Heck, right across the street (Fairfax) there is a swimming pool and a future skatepark. I would even suggest we build a playground in the Northwest corner of Nelson Park.

As for ‘amenities’ does this area really need more restaurants, bars and shopping opportunities? Not at all, it is surrounded by dozens of restaurants and only a short distance from a grocery store and Lewis Drug.

I would suggest filling the area with affordable and workforce housing constructing hundreds of units that are studios, 1-bedrooms and 2-bedroom flats for younger folks just getting started in the workforce.

But it will need to be propped up;

TenHaken said it is “very likely” the city will ultimately purchase the land, though, and will then decide on negotiating sales or leases to private developers.

That is not his decision to make alone. While he certainly can negotiate (we saw how well that went with the 6th street Bunker bridge) the ultimate decision comes to the council. I know I will regret saying this, but this would be a great place to have a TIF instead of just a buyout from the city. The city could come in and use the TIF to build up all the infrastructure needed to put in such a large housing project, or take an even more daring approach and skip the TIF all together and just budget for the infrastructure taking out the tax rebate equation all together. If Riverline gets the investors and proves they are secure the city can hold up their end of the bargain by preparing the property with sewer, water, roads and other utilities without expensive TIFs and land purchases it would simply be a line item in the budget.

When we pay our 2nd penny in Sioux Falls it should be going towards infrastructure. There is absolutely NO reason the city needs to get into the real estate or tax rebate business on this one. It could be a lot easier then concocting deals. We provide the infrastructure the private investors provide the housing.

Often when there is development in Sioux Falls, anywhere, I ask ‘What is the benefit to the average citizen?’ We are often told that new development helps build up the tax base, but every year we continue to raise the property taxes on 3 levels (county, city and school). If all this development is increasing our tax base, why do we continue to raise taxes? Because of all the play palaces we are subsidizing.

There is ONE benefit to taxpayers, especially those who live in the area (I live 4 blocks away) if any kind of housing is to be put in this area it will border one of the most active and LOUDEST train tracks in the city. The trains are going nowhere. We would need to build a quiet zone in this area in order to make the housing work. I should know, I hear the train whistles all hours of the night since this is the most active thoroughfare.

While Riverline has challenges the city could make this very easy and painless by simply getting out of the way after building up the infrastructure. Of course that isn’t as sexy as having press conferences and talking about complicated land swaps and baseball stadiums that we DON’T need. Sometimes the best thing government can do with projects like this is get the f’ck out of the way and let the private sector offer a solution.

As I have said in the past, most smaller developers and contractors in this city take NO city subsidies. How is it that the little guy has figured out how to make a buck but the big guys are always begging at the trough?

If the city moves forward with a land purchase deal I would suggest the voters of Sioux Falls refer it to a public vote and break this cycle of waste and bureaucracy.