Sioux Falls

Drinking Liberally Update (11/15/2024)

In Politics: Nationally: The Election is over and the wrong side won. I have nothing to contribute to the barrels of ink being used by Pundits to explain away the Democrat’s lose this cycle. For those interested, I refer you to the New York Times Opinion page where you can find any number of explanations, some of it even insightful.

My only thought is that, Trump, whatever he does, has always exceeded my worst expectations, exponentially. I am prepared for the worst, but expect it will be worse.

 In Politics: South Dakota: The South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) lost two or three Legislative seats (there is a recount for the second House seat in District 15). South Dakota has 105 Legislative seats and the Democrats will now hold eight or nine of them, down from the eleven they held in the last Legislature. The Democratic candidates for the US House and the PUC also lost by substantial margins.

My latest conspiracy

All the talk lately about who may run for mayor and the possible appointment of Erickson had me thinking. Even though Huether has been out of office for 8 years, there is plenty of ‘bad press’ surrounding his previous term that is still fresh. I guess what I am trying to say it will be hard for him to defend his reputation.

So what is my conspiracy theory? I don’t think he is running, BUT, I think he has been mentoring a candidate and will likely run their campaign. If this person wins (I have NO guesses, but I’m sure it’s some stuffed shirt banker) this would set up an opportunity for Huether to be chief of staff (which basically means he would be running the city like the current COS does).

I base my theory on NO evidence, but a gut feeling about how he operates.

I will admit though, if he does run again, I would rather listen to him talk every night on TV instead the Orange Menace.

‘This is a very walkable city’

Sure, downtown, but unless you have a death wish, avoid traffic in all other parts besides the donut hole*.

So after bilking millions from taxpayers to build a patio in front of privately owned restaurants and condos they are celebrating the bilking today;

“It is one more asset honestly to our community that we can sell to people from all over the world. This is a very walkable city, a very friendly city and this is just one more aspect of people being able to come here and just relax and enjoy their time here and don’t have to be busy all the time,” said Nichelle Lund, senior sales manager for Canopy by Hilton.

Let me guess, Nichelle doesn’t live here.

Over the past 4 years I have put myself thru the commute wringer, 90% of my commuting has been on a bike or walking. One of the reasons I bought an E-Bike is so I can ride it anywhere in the shortest distance possible. I have literally reduced my mileage by finding the shortest travel routes, but sometimes I must endure the southside travel bonanza. Roads built like speedways and peeps that don’t care. Commuting on foot or by bike in this town is risky business, and I am not even mentioning the f’ing morons that don’t leash their dogs who want to run and chase you while the owners are slobbering on their phones. Most sidewalks are dangerous. I would guess, just on my commuter routes that 50% of public sidewalks in this town are in disrepair and bike lanes are at a minimum.

Sure DTSF is very walkable, but it could be better by eliminating one ways and making spaces more pedestrian friendly and discouraging vehicle travel. But this won’t happen.

The thing that cracks me up the most is when you pull into the Steel District, it is NOT welcoming, and the parking is confusing, you have this feeling they want to keep it a secret. Maybe it is a marketing strategy, but if you are trying to bring in clientele with unlimited resources maybe your staff should have knowledge of your menu and what a hot shower is. I think an appropriate name of one of your restaurants should be ‘Good enough’.

I had the pleasure of meeting one of the investors in the Steel District last weekend. I listened, which is rare for me, and while this person was extremely intelligent, they seemed to be naive about how these things work in Sioux Falls. Let’s just say, they were suckered and it may take massive losses on their business adventures before they figure it out.

The tale of two cities is real.

We can make this city walkable, but it would take a massive public education reprogramming of our habits. That ain’t happening anytime soon. I told several of my out of state friends recently who used to live in Sux that unless you own a car here, you are a nobody. Which also makes me laugh. One of my favorite things to do at a stoplight is look at all the miserable human beings trapped in their cars, while I cross lawns and parking lots avoiding most traffic signals LEGALLY. I told someone recently the freedom you feel when you have complete control of your commute makes up for the comfort of your Chevy fart mobile. I never thot I would like this type of commuting, but once you experience the liberty and freedom you will only look at your car as something you need from time to time. I love the saying, ‘Cars are Coffins’. because it is true.

*I call downtown the donut hole, because outside of it is the donut; poor working class neighborhoods that surround the hole. The irony of the developer class DTSF who like to ignore these neighborhoods don’t see the obvious. In order to get to DTSF you must pass thru the poorest neighborhoods in the city. It reminds me of Belize.

Until this city’s GOVERNMENT recognizes the DONUT the DONUT hole will be just that, a HOLE. Mr. Potter was right (C. Lloyd) until you clean up the neighborhoods around the hole all development DTSF will halt, and I don’t need Mr. Potter or a weatherman telling me any different.

Who is running for Mayor of Sioux Falls?

The guy who runs Dakota Wuss College thinks he knows who is running for mayor. He basically lifted my predictions that I have had since this summer. You are welcome. But Pitty brings up 3 new names that made me laugh so hard I just about passed out. While we know Erickson, Beck, and Huether will probably run, Pitty says that Councilors Jensen, Merkouris and Selberg are also considering. Pitty says they will have trouble raising money, but it’s NOT money they need to worry about, it is their reputations;

• While Alex was city councilor he gutted the internal audit department to one auditor that basically sends emails to an outside firm. This all came about because he couldn’t properly discipline a city council employee for poor attendance and she ran off to the finance department escaping punishment and got a raise from the mayor to boot. If this guy can’t manage ONE employee, he certainly can’t manage a city. If he announces I will probably piss my pants laughing.

• Oh Marshall. This guy ILLEGALLY lived out of his district for a year (verified by one of his friends) and lied on campaign finance forms. He doesn’t belong in the Mayor’s office, he belongs in a jail cell.

• Rich Merkouris has a pretty clean record, but if you dig, just a little, into his past, you will see he isn’t really respected in the clergy community because of past grifting of a church. It’s a long complicated story that happened several years ago, but the wounds are still fresh, and if you ask the right people, you will get the story.

While I think none of these people are dumb enough to run for mayor, they might. And trust me, I have years and years of proof and data on ALL of the candidates and none of it is good. I think Erickson will rise to the top quickly and will be in the runoff, but who is the darkhorse? Huether may run on the great Trump comeback. Which I find funny, he got the same number of votes in 2020 and 2016.

Greg Jamison told me this summer he would likely not run, and it’s not for the reasons you may think. Greg told me he just wants to spend more time with his family and grandkids, and who can blame him?

I told someone recently that I hope a well intentioned rich person runs for mayor with a good record of community engagement and charity and they will run away with the mayorship. Populism is where it is at these days and no one is interested in electing old (corrupt) hats.

I have a feeling our next mayor will be someone no one has heard of.