Sioux Falls

Mayor TenHaken walks out of the Council Meeting during public input to Tweet

Ironically, PTH had nothing to do with this move. This was recommended by the Public Transit board last month and was actually in partnership with a recommendation from former SF School Board President Cynthia Mickelson after I texted her on November 20, 2021. Cynthia reached out to Councilor Soehl about it and I never heard a peep until last week when it appeared on the agenda.

I’m happy they are moving forward. Many former board members have told me they have been working on this for around a decade.

Top Floor of Bunker Ramp CLOSED to the public

I noticed this winter that the top floor of the ramp was blocked off with vehicle barricades. Didn’t think much of it, figured the city was saving itself snow removal money by not having to clear it. But as Spring arrived, it was still closed off (to vehicles). I have continued to ride my bike to the top to take photos (like the one above) and was there tonight. As I was leaving a private security guard came barreling out of the elevator telling me I couldn’t be up there (on my bike). I said, “Why?” He seemed befuddled and said, “Because the city doesn’t want anyone up here.” I again asked, “Why?” He seemed more befuddled and said nothing, so I told him I would leave since I have more respect for rent-a-cops then I do for the regulars.

But I really want an answer to that question. Why is the top floor closed?

Maybe the city is afraid if people park on the top floor of the ramp they will become complacent and not want to park in the mostly unused other 6 floors 🙂

*If you haven’t been up there, it is an excellent place to snap photos of the Sioux Falls skyline.

Sioux Falls City Council will finally approve FREE youth bus rides all year long

UPDATE: Public Transit advocates have told me they were aware of the changes, BUT were never given a timeline when they would go in effect so it comes as a pleasant surprise to them.

If I am reading this correctly it looks like the mayor wants to give free rides to youth on public transit all year long (item #35);

I’m glad to see they will be attempting to make this change. Rapid City has done it for several years. This will also alleviate some strain on the School District’s bussing system. While the mayor is the sponsor, I don’t think there will be any no votes on this.

It is a little disappointing that the council did not bring this forward considering they are 1) the policy body and 2) been urged by advocates for several years to make this change. Apparently the mayor got the message while the council is still hanging out in the cornfields looking for ways to getting out of forming policy on things like the bunker ramp and tornado sirens.

Wholestone Foods cleverly finds a loophole in the slaughterhouse petition

I gotta hand it to them, it seems WF found a way around the petition;

Wholestone Farms plans to open a custom butcher shop at the location planned for its future pork processing plant — before a November election that could prohibit the company from expanding here.

Construction is starting “imminently” on the shop, which will be located on the 170-acre property in northeast Sioux Falls near Benson Road and Interstate 229, near Gage Brothers Concrete Materials.

Butchering will begin there before a November election, when a proposed ordinance expected to be placed on the ballot could lead to meat processing plants being prohibited within the city limits.

By having an operating processing plant before the election means that the petition, if passed, cannot STOP Wholestone from expanding;

As you can see from the petition language, if a processing plant is operating in Sioux Falls before the ordinance is passed, it can expand, which means nothing would be stopping WF from building the bigger facility hooked to the existing butcher shop.

In a statement, Robert Peterson, treasurer of the Smart Growth Sioux Falls campaign, said:  “This smells like a hastily concocted attempt to thwart the will of over 10,000 concerned citizens of Sioux Falls who believe the city voters should have a say on any future slaughterhouses in Sioux Falls.”

It kinda smells like you just got punked!

Large Crowd for Democratic Party Picnic tonight

Two things that will get me out of the house, free food and 5 blocks away 🙂 The pasta salad was fantastic!

I had a chance to talk to several candidates. A word of advice, the younger candidates need to loosen up a bit, they are wound tighter than a $2 watch.

One of the things I heard the most was the nastiness of the SD GOP Chair, Dan Lederman. You know that non-Christian guy who has a business in Iowa and lobbies for the Theocrat Saudis and CO2 pipelines.

His comment about the ‘clown car’ struck a nerve, and they are on fire about it. Dan would surely know what a clown is since he practices the art everyday.

It was a great event and the Dems need to duplicate events like this in every county and town in the state.