Sioux Falls

Is Sioux Falls a Bike Friendly City?

There is a lot of data out there about the how bike friendly a city is.

I would give the city props for having an amazing bike trail and adding more bike lanes in the roads. I think city (government) has made a very good effort over the past decade to make it more friendly.

I have been commuting on my bike for over 25 years. I have been in several accidents (most of them my fault and only involving my own injury due to my own stupidity).

But where can the city improve?

I would put this on private businesses, especially hospitality, who do very little to make this a bike friendly city. It is nearly impossible to find a bike rack at a restaurant in Sioux Falls (unless it was put there by the city in a public space in front of the establishment). And when the dining rooms closed at most of the fast food establishments during the pandemic (some still have limited hours – or not open at all) they would deny drive-thru to bicyclists. I found it very odd they would turn away a customer based on the form of transportation they use. I do understand you probably don’t want walk up or bicycle customers in the drive thru during night time hours, but I am still puzzled how someone on a bike would have better success at robbing you then someone in a vehicle (PS- vehicles are faster then bikes).

I find it annoying all the accommodations restaurants and bars make for people with babies in strollers and dogs but the bicyclists be damned! We have crayons for your child and a water dish for your dog, just not a safe place to lock up your bike.

Drivers need to also be more patient. I don’t find it humorous when you rev your illegal muffler truck next to me, honk at me or swear at me when I am riding in the road. If you need to get somewhere faster, I suggest you leave a little earlier. The safest place for a bicyclist is in the street where vehicles can see you. Every accident I have had on my bike has either occurred on the sidewalk or the bike trail.

I get it, Sioux Falls is a vehicle centric town, and in some ways that is city government’s fault. Just look at the 5-Year Capital Improvement program. 1% is being spent on public transit and 43% on roads. We gave away $50 million in tax breaks (TIFs) for parking ramps last year but you can’t find a bike rack to save your life. There is something wrong with that picture.

Businesses, city government, individuals, non-profits, churches, etc. need to promote less cars and more bikes. I think Sioux Falls could become a great bicycle city, now if we can just get people to stop bringing their dogs and rug rats to the bar.

UPDATE: Mayor TenHaken’s PAC dumps $17,500 into Dr. Sarah Cole’s Campaign

Bought and paid for.

That was my argument all along with Cole’s candidacy. A person who hasn’t bothered to vote in a local election the entire time she has lived here (another story our incredibly inept local media never touched). It’s one thing for the mayor to endorse a candidate running against an incumbent, it’s whole other ball of wax to dump this amount of money (after the final financial disclosure before the election) towards the challenger.

You have to be one major bitter, vengeful, vindictive person to go above and beyond to eliminate an incumbent, who ironically voted for almost 99% of the mayor’s policies.

Notice how the listing of the PAC is also improper (it should be Next Generation Leadership PAC). It is also concerning that the PAC itself has yet to file their July financial report. Yesterday at 5 PM was the deadline.

You will also notice that Cole spent almost $23K on advertising and over $5k on consulting. Ironically, Rich Merkouris almost spent the exact same amount on advertising. Cole never voted in a municipal election before. She never raised her own campaign funds and it appears she had little to do with running the campaign.

UPDATE: I did find the PAC’s filings on the SOS website. The original filing was in May and an amended one in June. It is pretty clear that the entities and individuals who gave to the PAC knew exactly where the money was going;

City of Sioux Falls Innovation Director jumps (the rudderless) ship

This is the 2nd Innovation Director that the mayor has appointed that has quit. The council was informed on June 30 that he ‘resigned’. Chief of Staff and part-time mayor, Erica Beck will be the interim director.

I find this ironic since just 2 weeks ago I reminded the public at a council meeting all the directors that have quit working for this mayor, you know, the guy ‘building a team’.

I have no idea why he quit, and to tell you the truth, I don’t care. I can’t give you one single bullet point of what he did while being in the position.

Take the Money and Run!

So the Minnehaha County Commission got a surprise this morning;

Knife River Corp., owner of the former Concrete Materials Co., has offered Minnehaha County $65 million for the  William H. Lyon Fair Grounds.

Maybe it wasn’t that big of a surprise.

A 1999 task force went through a similar exercise with consultants and concluded the fair needed $31 million in capital improvements, but the county didn’t identify a source for the funds, Meyer said.

“It also struggled to develop an operating business model that made the fair self-sustaining and no longer continually dependent upon county subsidies as it is today,” he said.

I had a discussion with a Commissioner before the task force was created and said that if Knife River puts forth a good offer they should take it. The Fairgrounds are crumbling and Knife River needs aggregate to keep Sioux Falls growing, but there are some legal issues;

Commissioner Jean Bender, who is an attorney, said the county does not have a clear legal path to sell the property.

“That land was a gift to the county, and that gift is very tightly constrained, and the risk is if we sell that property that that property would go back to the heirs, and the county would get nothing,” she said. “So there are very significant legal impediments, which is why it hasn’t been done in the past.”

I actually think the county could overcome those hurdles, and they really should;

“If you ever want to bankrupt somebody, give them a white elephant,” Commissioner Dean Karsky said. “We have something we have to take care of, but we have no revenue source to do that.”

I have suggested that after a successful sale, the county could relocate the fair to a smaller community in the county like Dell Rapids, Brandon, Hartford, etc. The new fairgrounds could start with tent rentals and really doesn’t need a grandstand. We have plenty of entertainment options in Sioux Falls, we don’t need another concert facility. If they put the $65 million in an endowment to fund the fair moving forward, it could work well.

I hope the commission doesn’t sit on their hands and explores other options.