Sioux Falls

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, June 7, 2022

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Informational Meeting • 4 PM

• Experience Sioux Falls BID Ordinance Revisions by Shawn Pritchett, Director of Finance; and, Teri Schmidt, CEO Experience Sioux Falls

• Chapter 121 Medical Cannabis Regulations Update by Stacy Kooistra, City Attorney; Jamie Palmer, Licensing Specialist

Regular Meeting • 6 PM

Item #6, Consent Agenda,

Sub Item #1, Agreement to Provide Psychiatric Services, Midwest Wellness Institute, PLLC (looks like the HR department suddenly found another contractor for this. Gee, I wonder why?)

Sub Item #8, Falls Park Master Plan; Agreement for professional services, Confluence, $200K (so this contractor was picked thru a contest, funny how the contractor that won the contest gets about 99% of the city’s landscape design projects already 🙂 The city should just buy Confluence. It would make all this pomp and circumstance of perceived contests go away.

Sub Item #17, Legal Services Agreement to include legal representation regarding potential City of Sioux
Falls Zoning Ordinance Chapter 160 changes, Siegel Barnett & Schutz, LLP, $10K (Chapter 160 is all of the zoning ordinances, so I am not certain what changes are being made. I know that many homeowners have asked about changing zoning so you could build ADUs (accessory dwelling units) without permission from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.)

Item #65, 1st Reading: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SIOUX FALLS, SD, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO A “TOMAR PARK TENNIS COMPLEX NAMING AGREEMENT” BETWEEN THE CITY OF SIOUX FALLS AND THE SIOUX FALLS TENNIS ASSOCIATION. (Looks like we sold-out another public park. Because when I go to the park, I like to know who is sponsoring it, besides myself).

Item #69, Resolution, This is for the tax levy issued to homeowners adjacent to the 21st boulevard in McKenna Park. This is issued for city maintenance of the flowers in the boulevard. What I found interesting is when you click on the document attached, you will find a list of the property owners. About 10 of them are owned under a Trust, Bank or LLC.

Item #76, Resolution, Councilor Merkouris is bringing forward his idea for a Homelessness Task Force. While I applaud bringing this forward, it seems you better be a friend of the Mayor to get on this TF;

Section 2: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to appoint up to four members to the task force and the City Council Chair and Vice Chair are hereby authorized to appoint all additional members to the task force.

I wonder if this time the mayor will appoint the parents of the Mayor’s Youth Council participants? You know, to return the favor and all.

The irony is that you don’t need a TF to study the issue. We know the problems. You need the TF to recommend solutions ASAP by finding what has worked across the country and world. Recently I rode past Drake Springs pool and noticed that the city put a screened banner on the chainlink fence surrounding the pool. At first I thought, ‘Why?’ then I realized it was because the homeless like to pass out under the trees right by the fence. At least kids only have to look at them when they walk home.

Got to hand it to the city, they have offered one solution: ‘Homelessness. Put a banner in front of it.’ Which is no surprise since they tackled panhandling with a metal sign.

Want to save money on gas? Ride a bike!

Since I purchased my E-Bike in November I have put 1,000 miles on it. About 75% of that was pedal assist with the remainder full throttle. While some argue you can’t ride a bike in the winter, I would disagree, I started riding my bike as soon as I got it and tried to ride at least 3-4 days a week thru the winter. Now with the weather being rather mild, it is a great time to commute to work on a bike. The nice thing about an E-Bike is that you have options. If you want to ride it in the street you can crank it up to full assist and throttle (about 30 mph) or if you ride on the trail you can turn it way down on pedal assist (about 13 mph). Not only does commuting on a bike give you a great workout it saves tons of money on gas. As for cost, I haven’t even noticed a difference in my electric bill charging it every night.

I do recommend a few things before buying an E-Bike, DO YOUR RESEARCH! I believe almost every locally owned bike shop sells E-Bikes. While I own an Ariel Rider (moped E-Bike) it may not be your cup of tea since it is a step over with a high center frame and weighs about 80 lbs. If you want something that is more comfortable and a good work horse I would recommend a Himiway, Juiced or Rad, they are step thru and you can accessorize them with about everything you would have in your car like Bluetooth speakers and GPS.

I also recommend with all the wind, sun and gnats you get eye protection and of course a helmet and you can never can have enough baskets.

I think the last time I put gas in my car was at the beginning of April, and I still have a half tank, I can’t tell you what the price of gas is. I even use it to get groceries and run errands. I also ride several other non E-Bikes.

Let’s admit it, most people drive vehicles that are too large for short commutes and if the weather agrees bike commuting is the best way to combat high gas prices.

Why did former City Engineer Chad Huwe resign?

Mr. Huwe had been with the city for 14 years and managed many large projects for the city. It seemed odd when he left in October with that kind of tenure. Normally a public employee who has made it that far down the road will stick around for at least 20 years or more.

We also know that a lot of management have left over the past 4 years without much explanation (Housing director, IT Director, Deputy COS, two Fire Chiefs, Police Chief, Health Director, Planning Director, Chief Cultural Officer, etc, etc.) While rumors tend to swarm like flies on turds, a reliable source told me that Huwe did indeed resign, and it wasn’t because he planned on moving to the private sector or that he was pressured to resign but likely due to a disagreement.

I’m still digging around and hopefully will have more information soon.

City of Sioux Falls builds conference room that they don’t need

I am not sure if you have ever been to the HVAC challenged City Admin building, but it is pretty much just one gigantic conference room. Apparently, the city doesn’t have enough of them;

The project involved raising a ceiling at least 4 feet and painting it black and uncovering windows that had been concealed over time. The city team handled:

  • Demolition and space preparation.
  • Carpentry – framing, insulation, sheetrock, trim work and cabinetry install.
  • Electrical – piping, wiring, AV installation, light installation, appliances.
  • Plumbing – installation of all plumbing and fixtures.
  • Safe door restoration and installation.
  • Reuse of media equipment from previous Commission Room.

Contractors handled asbestos abatement, HVAC removal and reassembly, fire suppression system replacement, installation of the ceiling grid, counters and flooring, texture and painting. The project was paid for through an internal fund set aside for building repairs and upgrades.

If I had to guess, the project probably cost north of $250K, but who knows since it came out of some buried fund in finance. I wonder what the sound proofing cost?

So who gets to use this?

The conference room is designated as the mayor’s conference room, replacing a smaller one inside the mayor’s office suite, although it’s available for the building.

“We’re able to have virtual meeting, and the technology works extremely well, and that’s not necessarily something we had,” Beck said. “And ultimately when we’re bringing in individuals or even companies interested in moving here or business meetings with community leaders, it’s a really great space for hosting them.”

I guess the mayor had to move his meetings with developers and grifters out of the basement to a place that could supply snacks and beverages. Because if you are giving away the farm it’s always nice to do it with a charcuterie board on a custom built conference table.

What I find amazing is that the city administration would actually brag about blowing taxpayer money this way. Tone deaf.