Smoking ban could reduce scenes like this

According to this letter writer a smoking ban could help to reduce drunk drivers;

If a no-smoking ban becomes law, there will be two losers: us and – most important – the smoking ban. We will lose good customers. They will stay home and drink so they can smoke

Sounds good to me! I love the irony of this letter, he’s against a smoking ban, but points out another huge benefit if it goes into affect. Good thing you own a bar, I don’t think you are smart enough to work anywhere else.

I’m glad to see Dave pushing for this, but will he get his fellow Republicans to vote for it?

Senator Knudson says he thinks if a smoking ban were placed on South Dakota’s ballot, citizens would pass it easily.

Duh, and it would be more restrictive. Even lawmakers that are against the ban would be smart to vote on the legislative ban instead of a voter initiative, because they can negoiate the terms. But, hey, let it fail, so once again the voters of SD can prove that the Legislature does not represent them on things that really matter.

Make no mistake, I’m no fan of Tim ‘I want to control all of DT SF like it is my own Kingdom’ Kant. This is the same guy who got a facade grant from the city to upgrade his building that he sells liquor and tobacco in (yeah, great use of taxpayer money.) Now Mr. Kant wants an exception to the smoking ban.

“We’ll lose quite a bit of business because of it. Because, probably 50 to 60 percent of the people that come in here are coming in to smoke a cigar. So, we’ll lose that business there’s no doubt,” Kant said. 

What part of smoking ban do you not understand Tim? The only way the smoking ban will be successful is if it applys to ALL drinking, eating and gambling establishments. Besides the ban would not stop you from selling cigars and people would still be able to smoke on your patio that covers almost all of the 11th-10th Phillips Avenue block.

If the ban passes I hope the legislators supporting it have enough sense to tell Mr. Kant, no exceptions. Besides, if it does not pass and it gets on the ballot, you’ll be screwed for sure, because it will be much stricter than what our legislators want.

So let’s review;

– Tim wants government interaction when he needs them to close the loop to teenagers so he can open his high-flalooting bar.

– Tim wants government interaction when he needs FREE money to replace windows on his tobacco shop and bar.

– Tim doesn’t want government interaction when he may have to follow rules that every single other establishment like his will have to.

What a doofus.

Looks like the government is going to take away private business owners rights! Blame the darned majority citizenry! Damn populists! In today’s Gargoyle Leader yesterday’s online poll had 73% supporting a total smoking ban (3,000 votes).

Knudson says if the legislature doesn’t pass an all-out smoking ban this year, it’s likely supporters will put the issue to a statewide vote. 

“And my sense in talking with people is that it has broad public support and would likely pass if it was put on the ballot,” Knudson said. 

I’m sure the Video Lottery Lobby will dick around with it and try to get their telephone booth sized casino’s exempt. One more reason why VL is a bad way to fund government.