I have been asked to be the guest speaker at the local Freethinkers meeting Monday, July 28, 6:30 PM at the DT Main Library. I will be discussing City Government and Free Speech.

Come on down.


Sometimes my bravado and humility like to fight each other. The results? See below;

I am looking for help in updating DaCola, from my readers. This is what I am looking for;

• AD Sales. I will pay a very healthy commission on any ad sales on my site. I will also share this revenue with my contributors;

• Guest editorial cartoons

• Arts, food and entertainment writers

• Parody writers and videographers

• Podcasts and Sioux Falls news videos. I haven’t worked out all the deets, but want to get a discussion going. Email me: fb.art@sio.midco.net


In the wee hours of Tuesday night, I will be starting a long overdue blog break. South DaCola will remain up, but commenting will be turned off to prepare for changes. Not sure what the new format of DaCola will be, but a (small) team of South DaCola foot soldiers and associates have been weighing our options. I can tell you this, it will no longer be a bitch session but a proactive community activism website and news source (what many don’t realize is the activism my site inspires that doesn’t grace the pages of the interwebs, they are numerous, and often). Not sure how long this transition will take, but I am guessing about a month. Some of the things we will be doing will be definitely ground breaking and ‘different’ to the Sioux Falls market (yes, I will be selling advertising), and different then any traditional media source that currently exists in the Greatest Little City in the country. I am looking forward to it, but I am also looking forward to the break from my tireless obsession with city government.

While I volunteer my activism on this site, it hasn’t always been ‘fun’. I have lost sleep and good friends over it, and the friends that still talk to me, don’t do it as often. It’s been rough emotionally for me, because my personal (recreational) life is almost nonexistent, and if that is going to change, for the better, I need to make this transition. It’s time I get back to things I enjoy, like BBQ’in with my friends, bike riding, firepits and camping, playing yard games, painting and going to live music shows and dancing with the ladies (love dancing with the ladies). Stuff that has almost dwindled to nothing, especially over the past four years.

There has been some positives though, and I am grateful for them every day. I have met some pretty amazing people in our community on this journey, who have made me laugh, made me cry, and pulled the inner fight out of me. Candidates, citizen advocates, city & county employees, elected city and county officials, attorneys, campaign consultants and a whole host of other citizens disenfranchised by city government that have a legitimate beef and axe to grind. They are fantastic, intelligent, thoughtful, fascinating people that are not apathetic or ignorant and have hearts the size of the T Denny Sanford Premier Center. I love the NEW friendships I have attained. Some of these people will probably be my friends for a very, very long time, and I love it (a lot of them like to dance also 🙂

This is the most important city election this city has ever had since I moved here in 1991. Ballot issues on quality of life, public services, home owner property rights, etc. I have been diligent and obsessive for a reason, maybe it’s the bleeding heart Liberal in me that just wants to see fairness for EVERYONE from government, especially on a local level. Transparency and anti-censorship are my two biggest issues. I have often had the belief that democracies can only be fair to the citizenry if that citizenry is informed. Ethical and open government is tantamount to a vibrant and strong local government, unfortunately, that has not happened over the last 8-10 years in Sioux Falls (Huether and Erpenbach have been public enemy #1 in this arena). I’ve seen good people chopped down, I’ve watched public employees terminated and publicly disgraced unfairly, I have seen citizens put through the wringer and watched the very people we elect allow it to happen, with no remorse. As the chair to ‘Citizens for Integrity’ said the other night about the ballot language at the city council meeting, “It’s bad!”

We can however make a change on Tuesday, remember to VOTE at any vote center and VOTE for a change and progress;





Ballot Measures: YES on the first Five, No on the last Two!

In closing; I have become familiar with defeat and victory in municipal elections, but the voters are the ultimate deciders, and while I will not be able to personally accept some of their decisions on Tuesday, I can deal with it, move on, and work with the positive results of that night. I hate to sound like a candidate, but I Love Sioux Falls, it took me a long time to get to that point, but I think we have so many things we can improve on. I think we can do that no matter the results Tuesday night, and I hope the NEW DaCola will be a part of that.

I will have to admit, I never measure these events in success or not, because I really don’t read Dave Ramsey books. BUT, BUT, I do know we solved the Events Center parking problem, legalizing mary jane and why Denny Sanford wants to rule the world. Other then that, I drank some really good homemade wine, ate some good homemade salsa, met some new people and probably scared the living dogshit out of a local politician. Well, at least, dead dogshit, and chicken, rabbit and goat shit.

South DaCola Fest WILL occur this next Monday, March 25. 5:30 at the Touch of Europe. After a long hiatus from this event, I hope it will be the best one so far. Feel free to bring treats and eats, cash bar, and plenty of political talk. I am working on getting some local politicos to show up and make it more engaging. While we have some wild times here sometimes, it will be great meeting some of you in person, again. Enemies are welcome too 🙂