South Dakotans

An Exercise in Futility

This is what I call statewide elections in this state.

We go to the polls, elect a bunch of right winger block heads that create laws that no one really wants, never provide tax relief and take more rights and liberties* from us. Oh, but we correct all this by voting for referendums and initiatives that are progressive YET install conservative lawmakers. It is baffling.

*There is a progressive movement (not sure if Harris is on board) to rid ALL states of right to work laws thru Federal regulation.

Just look at the ballot measures. Not sure of the polling, but I am sure the new abortion law will pass, the open primaries will pass (the only vocal opposition is the party bosses, call a whaaaabulance), food tax cut will pass, Medicaid work requirement will fail and likely the referred law will get voted down.

So how is it that we continue to elect weirdos who pass very bad laws while keeping taxes high and throw cold water on them with the referendums?

It is an exercise in futility.

I hope with the passage of Open Primaries we can root some of these clowns out of the legislature.


We all know taking political advice from this guy is just a pass thru from his investor;

I know some people have this attitude that early voting is bad. I have never understood it. I have early voted probably over the past 15 years with a few exceptions. I will do the same today. My reason? If I have an emergency on election day, I already voted. I also have no idea where my musical precincts are each election. I have had my mind made up for months, so why not vote? The best part is NO LINES! I usually am in and out in 5 minutes or less.

When people tell you to not early vote, first ask them their benign reasoning then tell them to GFT!

Lying thru their effing teeth!

As I watched the referendum forum tonight I was flabbergasted by the sensational lies told by the opponents of abortion reform, rec MJ, work requirements, food tax and open primaries.

I tell people, if you have to LIE to defend your position, you have already lost the argument.

I have no idea how polling is on these measures, but I would really like to clarify some of the total bullsh!t coming from the opponents mouths, oh, and when pointed out, they took the Donald Trump playbook of double-downing on their lies, because they have nothing else.

• Abortion. The opponents keep saying you can have an abortion up until birth. Flat out lie. As the proponent of this measure said, “That is NOT an abortion, that is a delivery of a unviable fetus.” Exactly. This is a little personal for me. I have two close friends who delivered dead babies the first time they got pregnant. Not only are the emotional scars awful, that both of them still live with, they both understood that fetus needed to be removed so they didn’t become septic and died. I tell people often that abortion legalization is probably one of the greatest rights we have (had) in this country, which effects ALL of us.

• Rec MJ. Oh where to begin. I will just say watch Rhonda Milstead get herself in a bullsh!t tizzy over this, repeating lie, after lie and she would not back down. I have to give credit to Pat Lalley for leading the questions on this. The proponent, Matthew crushed it. I was surprised he wasn’t just out right laughing at the stats Rhonda was pulling from her ass. You have to wonder if she was stoned?

• Medicaid work requirements. I am opposed, as should everyone else, but the arguments of the proponents of this measure seemed like a parody of their position. I was audibly laughing at some of the anetedotes. We have a 2% unemployment rate in SD. Who the F’ck isn’t working?!? And as opponents of this measure pointed out, ‘People who are healthy are better workers.’ Do you think it sunk in on the other side?

• Food Tax elimination. Oh the fantastical web of lies the Retardtailors Association weaved tonight, like it would cost the state $656 million dollars in lost revenue and munis $51 Million in lost revenue. First off, the TardTailors are opposed because they like their customers paying taxes and not them, secondly, munis can still charge the tax, but it is a Catch 22. The state DOR collects all sales taxes and refunds munis. So why would the state DOR do this service to munis for free? They wouldn’t. So the $51 million in lost revenue is real, and over a quarter of that is Sioux Falls alone. As for the other number. Holy SHAT! The state doesn’t even collect that amount on total sales taxes each year and depends on the feds to supplement our budget by over 50% each year!!!!!! As the proponent of this measure said, Rickster the Griftster Weiland, oh crap, I can’t remember because he had so many zingers.

• Open primaries. I will say this, the parties are opposed because it will give more power to independent candidates. Don’t give them any latitude, the parties are destroying our political system in this country and it is time the largest voting block in this nation, indies, take back this country and tell the parties to GFTselves. As the proponent said, “Why are we letting 17% of the electorate decide our candidates in the general election?” Because the party bosses like it that way. I would like to thank Tom Daschle for converting me from Dem to Indy. His failed vote on the Iraq war told me that even the Dem party doesn’t understand diplomacy, or a lot of other things.

I helped elect mostly Republicans to the non-partisan Sioux Falls city council because they believed in that non-partisanship. Our parties now are lost, I have no clue what either stands for. They are ripping our country to shreds. While I think Donald Trump is a total loser, rapist, felon, liar and a complete racist he is right about one thing, our party system is bad. He of course wants to be a dictator, I just want America to be Great Again.

Lots of fun initiatives this fall on the ballot, VOTE YES ON ALL!

So I had a change of heart, I almost voted against the food tax repeal, but realized that taxing food is wrong. Of course, our moronic state legislature will just raise taxes on all other retail goods to make up for it essentially hurting the poor even more. These clowns will never figure it out. As for the mayor and his income tax dog and pony show, never gonna happen. This state is ran by Republicans who want to keep their income, they would never in a million years vote for an income tax, and Poops the Apologizer knows it.

So what is on the ballot? Don’t ask me what all the letters and numbers mean, I just know what the proposals are;

Repeal Food Tax: YES! (see above)

Rec MJ: YES! (I have never cared much for Noem, think she is possibly the dumbest person on earth, but when she got the SD Supreme Court to overturn the first time this was passed, all I could think was ‘worthless’ and several other colorful words that mostly started with ‘C’ (you know, for Cannabis). How can you overturn the will of the people? So worthless.

Open Primaries: YES! (I had to do my research on this. While both parties may not like it, f’ck them. 51% of registered voters in America are Indies and we are tired of sitting on the sidelines while the parties play their f’ckery all day long. Alaska recently went with this (they are a rural red state like us) and it has had positive returns in the legislature. The extremists in both parties are gone and the moderates and indies rule the day, and guess what? They are passing positive legislation instead arguing all day!

Legal Abortion: YES! (This is a no-brainer. A majority of Americans support this. I have to admit, I am not a fan of abortion for any reason, especially for birth control. But families and especially women have the right to make these decisions. While aborting a viable fetus can be confusing to those of us on the outside, we don’t know what is going on in the inside. And really, it is none of our business.

While I think some of the clowns running these campaigns are really just grifters making a buck from their endeavors* (whether they win or lose) I do support the initiatives or measures, etc., etc.

*Just look at all the government subsidies this dude got during Covid for his ‘businesses’. Bars and restaurants? Historical theaters? Give me a break! While I support what they are trying to do, don’t be fooled, like the whackos on the other side who are blatantly profiting from the anti-campaign these guys are also making a living.

Say what you will about Theresa Stehly, she has NEVER profited from her initiatives and has used her own personal wealth, several times. It would be wise for these guys to spend a little time with someone who knows how to run these campaigns modestly, you know, where you are not taking ‘consulting’ fees. What a bunch of weasels.

Will Governor Noem apologize to Biden and the DOJ over claims of hacking?

It’s seems even Mr. HEIDELBERGER is wondering where the radio silence is from Noem and the supposed ‘hacking’;

Governor Noem has declined to comment on this dubious prosecution, but she made sure her taxpayer-funded lawyer, general counsel Katie Hruska, was in the courtroom yesterday, even though Hruska was not one of the prosecuting attorneys and even though Noem herself did not file the complaint that prompted this show.

So let’s review how adults handle situations like this;

• Dakota News Now did the right thing by terminating Mr. Goss

• The courts did the right thing by sentencing the case properly

• Mr. Goss did the right thing by apologizing to all involved parties

So my question is, will Noem do the right thing and apologize to the president and the DOJ for falsely accusing them of phone hacking?

Where you went wrong Mr. Goss is admitting ANY guilt. You just lost your street cred with the Pierre Country Clubbers.