State Funding
Rounds Family Gravy Train to end? Don’t count on it.
Sailing on the seas of cheese
Rounds Turns it up a notch
All of sudden, Mikey becomes Mr. Glass half empty;
PIERRE, S.D. – Gov. Mike Rounds says next year will bring the “worst budget scenario that we have seen,” and he doubts there will be much of an increase in state funding of schools.
But Bill Thompson is ready to set him straight,
Democratic state Rep. Bill Thompson of Sioux Falls, who is on the House education committee, said education is an investment.
“In the House, there are too many people who see education as an expense, and that’s the basic philosophical difference,” he said.
It would make no sense for Rounds to cut education even if the budget is tight, according to Thompson, a retired teacher.
“My question to the governor would be, ‘Is education your No. 1 priority?’ It should be, in terms of economic development and in terms of how much of the state budget that goes toward education,” he said. “Education is not frosting; it’s absolutely crucial and should be the last area for where we look in terms of cuts.”
I’m gonna say it, it is time for the minority Democrats to grow a sack and go after this Governor like pitbulls, without lipstick. Bill has a good start, and he is respected enough to take the bull by the horns.
Common Sense Government for once! Get out!
I see legislators are finally listening to Detroit for once.
They have come up with some good ideas to help fund road maintenance in our state;
That the excise tax charged on registration of vehicles be raised from 3 percent of the purchase price to 4 percent. That would raise about $19 million dollars, which would go to the state highway fund. Raising the cost of license-plate fees for noncommercial vehicles by an average of $10. For a typical passenger car or pickup, that would bump the fee from about $42 to $52 and would raise about $12 million, which would go to counties. Eliminating a provision that gives a 30 percent license-plate fee reduction for noncommercial vehicles older than five years and a 10 percent break for older commercial vehicles. Those two changes would raise about $13 million, which would go to counties for road work.