Legislative Update
The legislature is almost over, but a lot is still unsettled. This is a 3-day weekend. Please write some probing questions for your crackerbarrels and hang around afterward to speak with them personally.
And please send emails and/or make calls. During the session, you can call messages to 605-773-3821(senators) and 605-773-3851(rep’s).
Committee members are listed at the bottom of this email.
— Medicaid, HJR5001 Medicaid on the Senate floor, Monday 2pm(1pm Mt). Oppose. Are they really willing to leave some SD’ans with no health coverage? Our lowest-income workers? Caretakers? People between jobs? Those whose health issues keep them from working? People with disabilities who are in the process of applying for disability?
— Childcare, HB1132 offers childcare workers assistance with paying for their own childcare. It could help address childcare worker shortage. in Senate Health & Human Services (maybe Tue) Support.
— Bathroom bill, HB1259 It would prohibit transgender people from using the communal facilities that match their gender identity, like restrooms and changing facilities, at South Dakota public schools. in Senate State Affairs, Monday 3pm(2pmMt). Oppose.
— SB172 rebuttable presumption of joint physical custody. It passed the Senate(22-13). Rather, we should stick with best interest of the child. in House Judiciary maybe Wednesday. Oppose.
— Guns on campus SB100, passed the senate. Next to House State Affairs (maybe Wednesday) Oppose.
— SB83, the penalty for ingestion. Rather than a felony, first offense would be misdemeanor with addiction treatment. 2nd offense: jail + treatment. 3rd offense: felony. It came out of committee without recommendation. Next on the House floor, maybe Tuesday. Support.
These are about our initiatives and referenda. OPPOSE them all. Could they please stop messing with our citizen rights to initiate measures for the ballot? These have passed their first house so they are awfully close to passing!
— HJR 5003 requires 60% for amendment to pass (takes away majority vote). in Senate State Affairs
— HB 1169 signatures from every district! in Senate State Affairs
— HJR 5006 requires a two-year gap before citizens can try again on a defeated ballot measure. in Senate State Affairs
— HB 1184(moves a deadline taking away 3 months of prime signature time). in Senate State Affairs
— SB 91 requires 14-pt font for petitions, in House State Affairs, Mon 7:45
— SB 92 subjects petition to prior review, in House State Affairs, Mon 7:45
These three are for Appropriations committee:
— Save Libraries!
— Save SDPB!
— TANF: The state’s poorest children need a payment increase. To meet their very basic needs, payments at a third of poverty level are not enough. These children have a TANF reserve fund legislators could use for an increase. It’s the children’s money.
Now here are the committee members:
Here are the committees mentioned above for contacts:
House State Affairs has these rep’s: Jessica.Bahmuller@sdlegislature.gov, Eric.Emery@sdlegislature.gov, Spencer.Gosch@sdlegislature.gov, Jon.Hansen@sdlegislature.gov, Erin.Healy@sdlegislature.gov, Les.Heinemann@sdlegislature.gov, Greg.Jamison@sdlegislature.gov, Karla.Lems@sdlegislature.gov, Scott.Odenbach@sdlegislature.gov, Marty.Overweg@sdlegislature.gov, Tim.Reisch@sdlegislature.gov, Brandei.Schaefbauer@sdlegislature.gov, Bethany.Soye@sdlegislature.gov,
Senate State Affairs has these senators: Arch.Beal@sdlegislature.gov, Randy.Deibert@sdlegislature.gov, Kevin.Jensen@sdlegislature.gov, Chris.Karr@sdlegislature.gov, Liz.Larson@sdlegislature.gov, Jim.Mehlhaff@sdlegislature.gov, Carl.Perry@sdlegislature.gov, Sue.Peterson@sdlegislature.gov, Tom.Pischke@sdlegislature.gov,
Senate Health & Human Services has these senators: Sydney.Davis@sdlegislature.gov, Tamara.Grove,@sdlegislature.gov, Kevin.Jensen@sdlegislature.gov, Carl.Perry@sdlegislature.gov, Tim.Reed@sdlegislature.gov, Jamie.Smith@sdlegislature.gov, Curt.Voight@sdlegislature.gov,
House Judiciary has these rep’s: Mary.Fitzgerald@sdlegislature.gov, John.Hughes@sdlegislature.gov, Jana.Hunt@sdlegislature.gov, David.Kull@sdlegislature.gov, Curt.Massie@sdlegislature.gov, Will.Mortenson@sdlegislature.gov, Peri.Pourier@sdlegislature.gov, Rebecca.Reimer@sdlegislature.gov, Tim.Reisch@sdlegislature.gov, Matt.Roby@sdlegislature.gov, Bethany.Soye@sdlegislature.gov, Mike.Stevens@sdlegislature.gov, Tim.Walburg@sdlegislature.gov,
Appropriations has these reps: Mike.Derby@sdlegislature.gov, Terri.Jorgenson@sdlegislature.gov, Chris.Kassin@sdlegislature.gov, Liz.May@sdlegislature.gov, Scott.Moore@sdlegislature.gov, Erik.Muckey@sdlegislature.gov, Al.Novstrup@sdlegislature.gov, John.Sjaarda@sdlegislature.gov, Jack.Kolbeck@sdlegislature.gov,
and these senators: John.Carley@sdlegislature.gov, RedDawn.Foster@sdlegislature.gov, Taffy.Howard@sdlegislature.gov, Mark.Lapka@sdlegislature.gov, Paul.Miskimins@sdlegislature.gov, Ernie Otten <Ernie.Otten@sdlegislature.gov>, Glen Vilhauer <Glen.Vilhauer@sdlegislature.gov>, Mykala.Voita@sdlegislature.gov, Larry Zikmund <Larry.Zikmund@sdlegislature.gov>,
Thanks for all your help. We sure don’t always win, but we need to be voices for what’s right and good.
The legislature will be over soon.