And the big winners are Erpenbach (over $9K and Huether (over $50K). Documents:



What I find even more interesting is the in common donors. And these are not just dead beat rich folk in town. Who says the mayor’s office doesn’t work with the city council. Besides Michelle & Huether double-teaming the termination of Owen, looks like they send their contribution letters to the same peeps;

Doug Hajek (handles a lot of legal work with bonds for the city, including the EC. Doug is married to state legislator, Anne Hajek.

Craig Lloyd (the owner of the largest development company in Sioux Falls and also the recipient of the most TIF’s in Sioux Falls)

Jeffrey Scherschligt (awarded a TIF and a taxpayer funded bulk head along the river greenway)

Dana Dykhouse (Head dude at First Premier Bank)

Michael Crane (developer and partner with Huether and his wife on projects)

Michael Bender (commercial realtor)

And the developers, attorneys & bankers don’t get what they want, yeah right.

I also viewed Rolfing & Aguliar’s financials, but did not post them. Neither raised any money in December. My guess that neither will seek re-election.

Trust me, I knew how this was going to go down tonight. I knew it would probably fail.

But the process was not honored. Five councilors didn’t honor their oath to US Constitution to uphold democratic ideals, holding timely elections per request of citizen petition signers. It’s shameful, lustful, greedy, and COWARDLY. These are your five councilors that are COWARDS!

The worst part is that Council Coward Chair Erpenbach decided to implement one of her made up, pro-censorship, anti-1st amendment rules and limiting public testimony to 20 minutes (Think SF School Board meetings). That is why I was not allowed to speak, though I raised my hand.

If I would have had the opportunity (But apparently this city now is a dictatorship ran by a coward called Michelle Erpenbach) I would essentially said this;

I have been watching city government longer then any of you have even served up here. You are very predictable, but I am hoping tonight I would not have to predict the normal, self-interest, cowardly action to protect the ruling class from the working class of this city. I think it is incredibly pathetic that I even have to come here and beg my elected officials to uphold their constitutional duties they swore on in an oath. This is a slam dunk, your constituents have followed the letter of the law gathering these signatures and turning them in. Your job is easy. Vote YES to secure a timely election, any other action would be shameful, cowardly and unconstitutional.


Shortly before the municipal election, South DaCola foot soldier, CR, contacted me and saw in a news video clip that councilors Erpenbach and Aguliar were taking an E-Polling, election worker class. CR was concerned that they may be volunteering to help with the election (talk about improper and conflicts of interest!). I ASSUMED they were taking the class to have some knowledge of E-Polling. Nothing improper about that . . . then this;

I have been hearing a rumor that City Councilor Sue Aguilar, representative from the Southeast District, was delivering election ballots and picking up ballots from polling places during Tuesday’s school board/city council and charter revision election.

WTH!? IF this is true, is she that clueless how unethical and improper it is to do that? If it is true, she needs to resign. When someone was being mean to my grandma, she used to say, “They were taking 500 mg ugly pills.” I’m wondering if Sue was taking 1,000 mg stupid pills. Geez!