You can’t make this stuff up;

In these latest documents for a rehearing with the Supreme Court, the Sapienzas’ attorney says that circuit court decision didn’t consider how remodeling, or tearing down and rebuilding will harm his clients.

That is not the concern of the courts. You own the house, you paid someone to design it and build it, so guess what, it’s your problem.

My guess is the SD Supreme Court will deny the re-hearing and inform the Sepienzas’ to hire a good handy man, one that is licensed and bonded of course 🙂

I got a surprise yesterday while attending the City Council working session. As some of you may or may not know, while the state shares revenue with alcohol sales, they don’t reimburse the city police department for conducting alcohol sale stings. I think a solution would be the city PD to stop doing the stings and require the Highway Patrol (which gets state funding) to do the stings.

Kenny Anderson says the problem is that people who fail the stings are not the owners or managers in most cases, it’s the clerks. While this is true, it is also the responsibility of the company to properly train their employees AND hire responsible people.

I have often said the solution is simple. Require anyone who is purchasing alcohol or tobacco to put their ID in a scanner. If they don’t or if the ID is incorrect, the cash register would refuse the sale. Of course, this would piss off a lot of older people who clearly look old enough to purchase. This would also probably get blow back from the malt beverage industry. I know a few years ago I read a study that said over 30% of beer that is consumed in this country is drunk by underage people. That’s a lot of lost revenue if roadblocks are put for these people to purchase.

Texting Ban – Still pointless & Unneeded

When the city decided to pass a texting ban, I agreed with councilor Staggers and some members of the Highway Patrol and SFPD, that it was unneeded because there are already laws in place like distracted driving and reckless driving that cover texting and driving. If you cause an accident while texting or talking on your phone, or  eating a hamburger or scratching your butt while driving, you will get one of these tickets. Don’t get me wrong, I think texting while driving is idiotic, but since the Supreme Court’s ruling yesterday about getting a warrant to search someone’s phone, it is going to be a lot harder to prove someone was texting and driving. That pesky US Constitution and 4th Amendment prevailed once again. Just wondering when our state legislature and city council are going to bother reading it and stop passing pointless laws and ordinances?

To tell you the truth I think it would be fantastic to have a gay Supreme Court justice. Heck, we have a (half) black president, why not go all the way . . . (from Gawker);

Verdict: Between the hair, the softball, the “open secret” at Harvard, the purported partner, and the Andrew Sullivan outing, I’m going to go ahead and guess she’s gay. It should be interesting to see how her orientation plays out during the confirmation process and whether or not anyone on the Judiciary Committee will come right out and ask her.

People really need to start worrying about the real issues facing our country; War, environment, healthcare and the separation of classes. If Elena has a girlfriend how does that affect me?