When I saw this cartoon first come out, I told Stehly to just ignore it, as I did for awhile, until I ran across it again today. I will try to decipher it’s horrible construction. First off, when it comes to editorial tooning, I don’t place much on it’s artistic value. If something is in the right place, it works. The artist does have a style, but I find no need to go after his/her draftsmanship, it’s his/her content that troubles me. Like a typical right-winger cartoonist he/she takes the words of the latest headline to pen their observations without actually researching the topic at hand. Like most of this chickensh*t ANON’s work, he/she misses the point. Can’t wait for them to make fun of me, it will be fun deconstructing that toon also.

UPDATE: Theresa actually asked the SFSD to have Bob Litz machine tabulate the votes to not have the appearance of manipulation by hand counting the votes themselves. We know how that went . . .

Councilor Stehly’s Notes on Facebook about the meeting;

Resigning 911 Metro Communications Director Paul Niedringhaus discussing the future structure and governance and oversight of Metro Communications.

Sheriff Milstead now discussing why Metro 911 went independent from the County.. now apparently, they want to come back to the County because of lack of funds. Sounds like the City might be asked to cough up some money as well.

Should Lincoln County come in?…now the Mayor wants to know how the other communities in Minnehaha will feel if the City of Sioux Falls takes over. I say..this needs public scrutiny, discussion and common sense spending.

Beninga now is stating that the Hope was for a regional effort. Surrounding counties might be “turned Off” if this was a Sioux Falls,Minnehaha project.

heriff talking about Metro being on probation…years ago..Gary Hanson time as Mayor..

Four members deciding what the future of Metro 911..I Hope they open this discussion up to the community and all of us on the Council and County…

Barth now talking about a new location..first time I heard about this..How much Jeff and who will fund it?Also Barth inferred that s having the Mayor of Sioux Falls leading the Metro 911 could be a turn off for other communities.

Beninga now asking about the City of Sioux Falls talking on the health care costs for these 911 employees..(a side note..City Council members can’t join the city’s health care.plan. I even offered to pay the total premium, but they said no).

Metro Communications Director Paul Niedringhaus states that health care costs are the number one concern for metro 911… Unfortunately, we all have those concerns in our lives.

Barth is proposing that all governing bodies have one payroll department.

The Argus also covered the MEETING.