Here is the last issue and my article below: Stehly-NL

Some think the charter works just fine as is, some would like to tear it to shreds completely. I personally think it needs some tweaks that would help it work better. We don’t need to throw the baby out with the bath water. So what would those charter amendments look like?

• Remove the mayor as a city councilor. He would no longer have VETO power or break ties. A five vote majority would be a pass unless reconsidered, and a tie would mean failure. It would require six votes to pass taxation and fee increases.

• The mayor would no longer chair meetings. He would be requested like director heads to be in attendance in the audience to answer questions only.

• The mayor would be responsible only as the employee manager of the city.

• The council would write the budget starting from ground zero each year with the mayor only having equal input.

• The council would be responsible for all legislation, only taking advice from department heads and the mayor. The mayor could no longer introduce legislation without consent of the council.

• All major planning, rezone proposals, fee increases would have to go through FULL council first before being introduced to the Planning Commission or other departments pertinent.

• The finance department, like the audit department would be under the control of the council and NOT the mayor.

• The city council would have their own attorney and legal department to research legislation. Simple changes like this to the charter would guarantee more equal participation from the council while regulating the mayor’s REAL duties as a city manager instead of an all powerful official.

My quick answer? NO. As someone who talks to her often about city legislative policies and worked on her campaign to get her elected to the city council, I think Theresa is perfectly happy being a part-time legislator for the city, a music teacher, an organic gardener and active in her church.

There has been tons of speculation if she will run. I have often joked with people that if she announced today and the election was tomorrow, she would be elected. Of course things don’t work that way.

One of the reasons many people have speculated is because Stehly has told mayoral candidates she will NOT endorse anyone. This is actually smart since she may have to work with one of the candidates. She has also sent out a postcard and a newsletter in the past couple of months giving updates to the city. She has done this at her own expense and not from donations or a campaign fund. There is also only one woman running right now for mayor. I’m not saying Theresa’s philosophies are that much different than Jolene’s, but I will say Theresa has more experience with city government then Jolene does, and if Theresa announced it would certainly put a damper on Jolene’s campaign. But what is the biggest factor that would be advantageous to Stehly if she ran for mayor? She is the demographic that votes in Sioux Falls municipal elections; moderate to conservative, populist, working class, 55 and older individuals.

But the other thing I have learned about Stehly is she can have a change of heart, in a heartbeat. If Stehly does run for Mayor she has until February 23rd to turn in her petitions. Until than, I don’t think the current pool has much to worry about. Just remember, vote for anybody but Jim and Paul.

Councilor Theresa Stehly to be offering a “MEET AND GREET” For Sioux Falls Citizens.

When: Saturday January 6th, 10:00-2:00

Sunday January 7th, 12:00-2:00

Where: Benson’s Flea Market located at the Expo building at the Fair Grounds.

What : Opportunity to share concerns and comments about City/community  issues.

Contact Theresa Stehly at 929-8783 for more information.