During the Farm to Fork dinner last night, apparently these three got into it about the ambulance service, but it looks like in the end, they cleared up their differences.


Jamison fills us in on his entire interview with the Argus;

“Theresa Stehly is exactly what the tax payers of Sioux Falls should want with a new council member. She thinks for herself and is not afraid of anyone or any issue. The best thing Sioux Falls could ever have happened with a councilor is that they think for themselves and express what their concerns are. As long as they’re thinking about every issue, that’s what you want and the public is going to win.”

Glad to see he corrected himself.

By now we have all heard about councilor Stehly’s ‘Lawn Gate’;

Among them was Councilor Theresa Stehly, who said Tuesday she got word someone had complained about her yard, alleging it was unkempt and exceeding the maximum height requirement.

If it’s determined the complaint is valid, the city sends a letter telling the property owner to mow. If the violation isn’t corrected, they get a $100 fine and have to reimburse the city for hiring someone to mow.

What the city doesn’t tell you is even if you mow your lawn before a fine can by issued, you are now blacklisted. In other words if someone complains about your yard, and you mow it before you are fined, the city puts you on a ‘list’ anyway. The next time someone complains, the city issues NO warning and just mows it and fines you, and considers that first warning a warning throughout the season.

Seems a bit harsh.

What is ironic about this is that the city says they don’t have the man power to trim their own trees in the boulevard, but they have plenty of ‘manpower’ when it comes to fining you. Why does the city treat it’s taxpayers this way? Hopefully the next mayor will bring customer service back to the city.