
Mueller Report doesn’t ‘Exonerate’ Trump

While Trump and his supporters may be celebrating, Barr’s summary today (DOC: AG-Judicial) made it pretty clear what Mueller determined, with this statement;

“while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

In other words, he was the ‘investigator’ who doesn’t have the power to indict a sitting president with a crime, but others could. It will be interesting to read the full report that the Dems have demanded to see.

You also have to conclude that this investigation has NOT been in vain, just look at all that have been indicted and charged, 37 people and entities, with seven people pleading guilty and five sentenced to prison. ALL associated with Trump, his campaign and presidency. No obstruction or collusion? Yeah right.

What’s the point in impeaching the president right now? He will impeach himself in the 2020 election. Maybe this time the Electoral College doesn’t ignore an opponent that received 6 Million more votes.

Trump’s payments to porn stars ‘was for love’ according to Rounds

(FF 6:30)

From Drinking Liberally;

In Politics: In an effort to demonstrate his absolute supplication to Donald Trump and Trump’s demands of total fealty to whatever his whim of the moment might be, our own Senator Rounds defended Trump’s $130,000 hush money payment to Adult Film actress Stormy Daniels by stating that Trump “made the payment because he loved his family….” Rounds really said that. I didn’t make that up.

So to follow Rounds’ logic, Trump may have sent his wife Melania a valentine card this year that read something like this, ” Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m having sex with a porn star again to show my love for you.”

Last week I speculated that our Senator’s, Thune and Rounds, could rationalize just about anything to support Trump’s right-wing and often fascist agenda. Unfortunately for all of us and for our Country, even I didn’t know how right I was.

Our Republican leadership is feckless. If you are a Republican and love our country, it is time to look elsewhere for leadership. But then again, according to Senator Rounds, you could demonstrate your love of country by having sex with a porn star.

Sioux Falls City Councilor Stehly asks Noem to reimburse city for private fundraiser

Theresa called me at lunch today and asked me if she should ask for this. She also asked many other people. I told her ‘YES’ but I also her told her to check if legally we can ask for it. She checked with the city attorney who said it was legal to ask for it, then she asked the campaign before posting the above image on FB.

I think they should reimburse since this was NOT a public event. Why should the taxpayers of Sioux Falls foot the bill for a private, partisan, fundraiser’s security detail? It is complete BS!

Other cities have agreed;

While other cities, such as Fargo, have requested reimbursement for costs associated with Trump’s visits for private fundraisers, neither the city of Sioux Falls nor the state have formally requested refunds.

It will be interesting to hear the response from Noem’s team. Heck, maybe she might even write that check. But I am not holding my breath. The GOP in SD has a long history of taxpayers funding their extracurricular partisan activities (ALEC memberships for example).

I think it took a lot of courage for a life long Republican to ask for this from the Noem campaign. Now let’s see how fast the GOP Hate machine beats up Stehly over this.

Get out the popcorn!

Trump & Libel

Not sure if you had a chance to watch Trump’s speech yesterday (about 30 minutes of blubbering) but you can find it somewhere.

During his rant he mentions twice to Thune and Rounds that we need better libel laws so people like the president can sue over ‘fake news’. I know that it is difficult for sitting politicians to sue but former Senator Larry Pressler successfully won a suit over libel in 1998 after a book accused him of being gay.

I guess what I would tell Trump is, go for it. If the news isn’t telling the truth, please by all means, prove it in a court of law. The problem is, I don’t think our Liar in Chief stands a snowball chance in Hell of winning a libel case. It requires you to offer evidence and proof what is being reported is untruthful.


I was actually pretty impressed with Mallory’s eight minute interview. He hammered Trump on crop tariff’s and Obama’s recent comments. While Trump blew a lot of smoke (like saying the tariffs will help the farmers in the long run), Brady did a great job of standing his ground. BRAVO.

Why is the local media being mysteriously quiet about Trump’s visit?

I’d Rather see this guy

Let’s face it, we all know the local media has talked to people attending the event (as I have). So why are they not telling us the location and time?

I will tell you that the location is no longer some gigantic secret. Just drive past the convention center and you will see noticeable traffic diversions. But we all kind of figured that.

What about the time? Well usually with a presidential visit, those things are always up in the air anyway, HA! Literally. But attendees were given a time to ‘be there’. As with most presidential visits they will have to stand around for a long time with their fingers up their butt waiting. Let’s just say it’s between 1 PM and 4 PM.

I also have been told (this is from only one source, so don’t wet your pants) that Noem sold 50, $5,000 tickets. This was the supposed limit, with a 100 people requesting). I have NOT heard how many people are showing up for the trailer park rate of $500.

As you know, I could care less about DC politics. It’s broke as F’ck and we all know the most valuable decisions are made locally when it comes to our lives, taxes, etc. A presidential visit to me doesn’t mean much.

But some have to wonder why our local media is being such chicken sh*ts about telling us the details of the President’s visit?

Oh, that’s right, media revenue. And we know Noem has a boatload of money (and even more tomorrow). We wouldn’t want to spoil tomorrow’s circus? Would we?

The Winners always Win, not because they are winners, but because they have more money. And when you hear that loud sucking sound tomorrow afternoon by the Convention Center, it’s not the elite dropping coin to see Trump, it’s our local media.

Oh, and if you want an alternative to the sh*t show, Tim Bjorkman is handing out FREE food at Terrace Park after 5 PM on Friday. Please Tim, no chili or hotdogs (unless it’s chili hot dogs).