
SD Delegation sends Trump 2nd letter; this time with an Applebees giftcard

Well you know what they say, you catch more bees with honey. Senator Thune said this about the 2nd attempt to address the trade war, “We know that the president likes to eat crappy food, so we thought this would be a great follow-up letter.”

I asked Thune since he was 3rd in line for GOP leadership in Washington couldn’t he just pick up the phone and call Trump?

Thune seemed confused and said, “Interview over.”

You know what is really disgusting?

A foul mouth red head, but disgusting?

Okay, we have all heard about Griffin. I agree, she should not have done what she did, and should have treated a sitting president better. Personally, I think Griffin is funny, but you have to be into gay men humor, which is really her style. If you are a gay man or have male gay friends, you get it. If you are an ultra conservative that thinks gays are sinners, well, I get why you don’t understand her.

To be honest, I really didn’t get her joke about Trump. Was I disgusted? A little, but more bewildered then anything. It wasn’t funny, and really wasn’t her style.

But something about this controversy really ticked me off. The word people used over and over again was ‘disgusting’. And I get it.

But do you know what is truly disgusting? A presidential candidate who brags about grabbing women’s vaginas, calls them pigs, calls his opponent a ‘Nasty Women’ etc. etc. Everyone thought that was just fine. Well it wasn’t, it was truly ‘disgusting’. Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Now hopefully Griffin goes back to what she is good at, and we can only wish our president would go back to his previous job to, or better yet, just go away.