
Governor Noem’s communications office spreads ‘Fake News’

There are a few things that irk me, okay, there are quite a few, but hypocrites in government really takes the cake. As an elected official doing this kind of stuff, I kind of just say it is SOP, but when taxpayer funded employees do it, it really chaps my hide.

How can you say ‘fake news’ when you are the ones spreading it?

I will admit, I was a little taken back when Noem admitted that indeed Biden will be president in her speech yesterday. I thought maybe she saw the light. We of course have known this truth to be self-evident, heck, I knew this all the way back in 2016. Trump lost by 3 million popular votes back then and I knew he would lose by more this time around. He is a two-time loser and has always been a loser. He has never won at anything in his life. He has always lost. How could you possibly imagine he was going to win this time around? It was logistically impossible. I almost encourage the Biden campaign to bring lawsuits in the states he lost in just to prove how wide of a margin it was.

Either way, we get this from our Governor who I think has lost her mind, let’s break it down;

Gov. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) said today that she “expects the road could be a little bit rough under the Biden administration with some of the policies that they’ve embraced.”

I agree 100% in her statement, but not because I think Biden is a raging liberal (he is far, far, far from it) it is because Noem parading around the United States campaigning for Trump is going to come back to bite us in the ass in South Dakota. I have a feeling the Biden administration is going to be giving a very cold shoulder to South Dakota. If Noem had any screws left in her head she would congratulate Biden personally and beg for forgiveness. That’s not going to happen, so we will be left in the cold.

“We can expect that they may try to raise taxes, they have said that,” Noem said. Noem also said Biden would try and eliminate fossil fuels by passing the Green New Deal.

Yes. Biden has said he would raise taxes, but you have to be in an income bracket that about 90% of South Dakotans or more are not. And I agree, the super rich in this country have gotten away with tax dodging for way to long. As for fossil fuels, it’s just good old fashioned science that tells us we must move away from them, but that is not going to happen overnight. Ironically, the State of South Dakota is in a very good position to go all green. We could easily supply our state with enough green energy to eliminate all fossil fuels with wind, hydro and solar, it just takes the will to do it.

“And whatever else the administration might do, it would certainly give us a lot more regulation,” Noem said.

This is actually something we have needed in SD for a long time, we have some of the worst worker safety laws in the nation. Just look at what happened at Smithfield recently with Covid and the numerous fines filed against them environmentally.

But Noem decided to have her staff play some games with what she actually said and what she sent out after the speech;

Noem’s verbal presentation differs from a copy of her written speech provided to media. Noem replaced the word “a” with word “the” twice today when she referred to Biden and an administration twice.

A copy of Noem’s speech refers to “Frankly, I expect the road could be rough under a Biden administration” and not “the Biden administration” as Noem said in her speech. Also, “whatever else a Biden administration might do…,” and not “whatever else the administration might do” as Noem said in her speech.

Pretty slimy. Actually very slimy.

You can’t stand on the street corner every 20 minutes yelling ‘Fake News’ Kristi when you are the creator of this fake news. And your staffers who participated in this sloppy game? Pathetic sycophants that don’t deserve one penny of my tax dollars for their salaries.

But the news gets even better, even though South Dakotans voted for Trump, we somehow hitched our horse to this;

The State of South Dakota believes in free and fair elections.  Our office has received thousands of calls and emails from concerned citizens and we have listened to our constituents and voters.  That is why South Dakota has, today, joined the Amicus Brief of the State of Missouri in support of State of Texas v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Georgia, State of Michigan, and State of Wisconsin.

What were South Dakotans mad about? HE WON HERE! Our election in South Dakota went pretty smoothly. What are we protesting?

I would also like to see these ‘thousands’ of emails. Give me a break. Never happened. More ‘fake news’ from a ‘fake governor’.

The one thing I have learned about the average voter is that while they may be upset for a few months (or more like a couple of hours) if their candidate lost, they really don’t make much of a fuss and move on. It’s time for us to stop playing word games and filing useless lawsuits (at our expense) and move on.

Trump lost! Twice! And that’s FACTUAL News.

What would 4 more years of Trump look like?

Well, as you know, anything is possible. Trump could win another 4 years legally. The Senate could also stay in the Republican majority.

So what does a Trump presidency and Republican controlled Senate look like over the next 4 years?

• The SCOTUS will get a new member and it will take a hard right turn. I think Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed no matter how the election turns out. I think the court will overturn Roe v Wade and only allow abortions for health of a mother, or at least turn those decisions over to the states. I also think they will eliminate the ACA.

• There will be more violence in the streets. I think what we are seeing right now is just the tip of the iceberg. I also think there will be more gun violence and NO gun control reform.

• While a Corona virus vaccine may emerge after January 1st I think most Americans will not have access to until late of 2021. I also think the vaccine will not be that reliable. Just look at testing, you would think by now we would ALL have access to fast testing whenever we wanted it. So how is developing an effective vaccine any different?

• We will engage in a deep cold war with China and I wouldn’t be surprised if our military gets into some skirmishes with their military.

• Our weather will get even more drastic and hazardous and Trump will continue to ignore it.

• The DOJ will indict Biden, Clinton and Obama.

• The economy will continue to be volatile with extreme peaks and drops in the stock market and employment.

There are many more scenarios I could play out, but if Trump wins he will come after his enemies and try to destroy them.

Frankly, I’m not too worried. The closer we get to the election the more I think it will be a landslide for Biden. I even think he will get enough electors (270) the night of the election. And while Trump will likely challenge the results (many absentees will not be counted until weeks after the election) I think it will only secure an even larger lead for Biden. Hillary beat Trump by about 3 million popular votes. I think Biden will beat Trump by 12-20 million popular votes.

I also think the Senate will have a Democratic Majority and the House will remain Democratic. While I don’t think it will be by much, I think they will at least be in the majority by 1 or 2 seats. I think this will set up an opportunity for both houses and the white house to make abortion federally legal with legislation and expand the ACA (even eliminate it) by providing Medicare to people who want it. I also think you will see a stronger stance on gun control, police reform, institutional racism and climate change.

I will concede though that Washington will NOT be kind to South Dakota, especially because of our Trump loving bootlicking governor. I don’t expect much help from a Biden administration except a stronger economy, God willing.

I encourage people to vote for Biden, because another 4 years of Trump and a Republican controlled Senate is a nightmarish reality we cannot endure.

TenHaken’s Mayoral Poll reveals Biden leads in Sioux Falls

One of the more revealing parts of TenHaken’s poll is the presidential race. Even if Trump got all 6% of the undecided it would be a tie.

As of October 1, 2020 there is 121K total active voters in Minnehaha County (I believe in the City of Sioux Falls there is about 80-90K registered voters). In the county about 50K are Rep, 36K are Dem and 34K are Indy. About 17K are inactive. This tells me that not only are indies leaning Biden I’m guessing there is a ton of Republicans leaning Biden.

None of this is surprising. Even if you are a hardcore Republican who usually leans always Republican, there are some disturbing things about Trump that would scare off a lot of Republicans. His lack of morality sticks out the most for me. I think Biden will take Sioux Falls with well over 50% and probably even win Minnehaha County. Of course the rest of the state will lean Trump and ultimately he will get our 3 electoral votes from AG Speedracer and the gang.

The stark similarities between Covid and 9/11

There are many things we did not learn from 9/11 and the wars we started based on lies. How is Trump’s misadventure any different?

On 9/11 about 2,977 Americans died that day. We were attacked by extremist terrorists who mostly originated from Saudi Arabia, yet instead of putting sanctions on that country we attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan and Iraq. Over 7,000 American soldiers have died and as of 2019 we have spent $6.4 trillion.

It seems we have been down this path before; lies & miscalculations are costing Americans lives and capital, and what do we have to show for it? Millions unemployed, without healthcare, around 200K dead and millions infected, yet we keep steaming down the Sadaam Hussein path. When will we learn from history? When we lie to the public it costs us, dearly.