
Water Rates


I figured the council would vote to raise the water rates. There really is no way around it. But after watching the meeting it got me thinking. I often see city parks water sprinklers on, when they don’t need to be and it started to get me to think about conservation and such.

What if water rates were on a sliding scale for residential customers? The more water you conserve the smaller your water rate would be. I know there are some homeowners who abuse water usage on there lawns, etc. I think they should have to pay a higher rate. I think it would promote conservation and would actually raise more money for the Lewis & Clark water project. Federal money would be nice, but it isn’t a guarantee, so we need to be thinking of creative ways to pay for it.

Sodapop and I pay about $14.00 a month now for sewer and water.

Articles of Impeachment UPDATE

On June 9, Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush.
On June 11, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly (251-166 w/16 not voting) to send the articles of impeachment (H Res. 1258) to the House Judiciary Committee to be acted upon there. 24 Republicans voted Yes along with all the Democrats. That same day, Rep. Kucinich said he would give the House Judiciary Committee 30 days to act before he comes back with more articles of impeachment.
Now, before July 9th, is the time to call Rep. Herseth Sandlin and tell her THANK YOU and ask her to continue supporting H Res. 1258! 

Call Rep. Herseth Sandlin’s office 202 225-2801 or 605 394-5280 and fax (202 225-5823) her a short letter if you have time. 

Call Toll-Free at 866-371-8747
For more information and details click here: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/bush
This might happen afterall. Too bad it took 8 freaking years!