
Satire stretched to the limit?


This is the cover of The New Yorker this month. The Obama campaign is condemning the image, which is no surprise. The MSM is making a big deal out of it, saying it is satire in poor taste. I’m on the fence, since most of my toons are borderline bad taste. I think most readers of the New Yorker will get it. The toon is making fun of Americans more then it is making fun of Obama. I think it pokes fun of the fact that most Americans believe what the image portrays. I’d be curious what the McSame version would look like?

I guess I’m going to have to start going to church

Sad News, Tim Russert died today.

I didn’t always agree with Tim’s journalism, but I loved his show. He had some of the most powerful politicians in my lifetime on his show and he would hammer them. It is still unsure how he died, but now they are saying it was a cardiac arrest, which is different then a heart attack because there is no symptoms.

Meet the Press was my church, I set my alarm for 7:50 every Sunday to watch the show, and would yell at the screen. And it was always so much better then the other Sunday morning political shows, it was always sharp and to the point.

Gonna be some tuff shoes to fill.