
The Circus is in Town – District 15

I rode my bike around District 15 yesterday, just to see what sign placement was like. Very interesting. Some middle-class homes had Kirshman/Vanderlinde signs. Lower income homes had Vanderlinde signs and Higher income historical homes had Madigan signs. The District is literally like a box of chocolates. You’ll have a gigantic historical home next to a house that looks abandon. Weird.

Here are my predictions for tommorrow’s primaries:

Pekas – County Commission
Vanderlinde, Kirshman – District 15 House (I’m even going to give a majority of the vote to Vanderlinde)
Pat Powers – District 7 Senate
Clinton – Presidential Dem Nominee

Ron Paul – Winner of the wackiest followers since LaRouche

I haven’t dug deep enough in the other races to really make any more predictions.

Word to your mother David Kranz; Madigan works for the Catholic Diocese

Gargoyle Leader columnist David Kranz just can’t bring himself to telling his readers where John Madigan works. On Friday he let us all know that Madigan switched his registration from Rep to Dem, but never went into detail that he was recruited by Pat Kirshman, a pro-life Democrat. On Friday we were also told that Kirshman worked for Sara Lee and is a labor organizer, and that Vanderlinde is a nurse and takes care of her elderly father. No mention what Madigan does. Then today he lists the candigates again; Kirshman; Sara Lee (retired), Vanderlinde; nurse, Madigan; Church Business Manager. Why the reluctancy to mention who he works for. Are you protecting a ‘fellow Catholic’?

If the other two candigates jobs or former jobs are listed, you should list all of their jobs, or not at all. I take issue with Madigan’s employment because I don’t think an administrator for one the state’s largest churches should be in the state legislature. I’m a strong believer of Separtion of Church and State.