
No Tax Increase – The Beaurcrats lose for once

http://siouxfalls.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=2 click on May 12 meeting

One of my better performances. De WAS not too happy with me accusing her of being fiscally irresponsible. I guess the truth hurts. And General Jamison loves to tax the poor.

I wish I could of taken a picture of the look I got from Jodi ‘internets’ Schwan as I was walking out of Carnegie. Ice, Ice, Baby. I don’t think I’ll be asking her out on a date anytime soon.

Fill in the Blank

OK kiddies, you have until the end of the day Monday (May 12) to enter this contest. It may take me a few days to pick one, there are two entries right now that are neck and neck.

Ok, I’m going to up the Ante this time for best caption. The winner will receive a South Dacola T-shirt with the logo on the front and the winning toon on the back. So think it over and submit as many as you want. Don’t let Russ beat you this time with lines from Star Trek.

Please leave your caption in the comment area on this blog. If it does not appear right away, no worries, I moderate all comments.

CONTEST ends May 12th

Event Center Task Force – Fill in the Blank

Help me figure out this list of ‘Average Folks’

Some of them I know, some I have an Inkling.


Dean Buckneberg, (SF Chamber of Commerce)
Pat Costello (City Council)
Darin Daby (School District)
Dana Dykhouse (First Premier)
Steve Egger (Egger Steel) (Pavilion Board)
Jim Entenman (J & L Harley)
Debbie Hoffman (School District)
Bob Litz (City Council)
Al Schoeneman (Schoeneman’s)

Jim Woster (co-chair – Argus?)

Jean Nichols (Nichols Media?)

Joe Bunkers (Bunkers Const?)

Terry Baloun, cochair (Pavilion?)


Bob Christensen (Equestrian?)

Noel Olson (community volunteer?)

Jean Fuller (SD Democratic Party?)
Aaron Haddorff (Augie wrestler?)
Charlene Harbert (?)

The Ghost of Dude WEIGHS IN. The corporate entertainment tax and advertising tax would be the best approach.