
The race card may sink the ship

John Edwards made it very clear before the Iowa primaries, “Who are the Democrats going to put up against a white, male Republican? I think the choice is clear.” Edwards was of course saying that eventually down the road, the race and gender cards would come out and jepardize a Democratic candidate. Clinton has been lucky lately, but Mr. Obama has not. I have always had an inkling that this may take down his campaign. Prejudice runs deep in America and the media and the right like fueling the fire. Maybe Obama can make a comeback from the Wright controversy, but he better get it in gear, time is running out.

Engineer Kevin and Porky Thune at it again


Kevin from DM & E is crying up a storm again. Unfortunately they did not put the emails online, but they are in the dead tree version. If you can get a hold of one (I suggest reading it for FREE at MacDee’s) the email’s are worth the read. Especially where they call Kevin ‘Stupid’ and John Thune ‘Porky’. Hilarious. Though I think the email’s may be ‘unethical’ I don’t think anything illegal has been done.