
Detroit Lewis’ Arts Night Preview

This is my favorite piece in the exhibit, but they should have taken two photos of it


This one makes me laugh, obviously done by an art student . . . or a garbage man. Aand they rejected my piece last year why? This piece truly says ‘Art is Dead’


Cool Chair, I think it would look good in my house


See all the Arts Night schwag here, including some of Paul Schiller’s moving photography:


Not a Christian? Stop playing (and listening) to music


Christians can only listen to Christian music and seculars can only listen to secular music?

Why is that people that are religious seem to think that a secularist like myself doesn’t believe in God? I truly believe there is a higher power, I just don’t need books, churches, preachers or music festivals to fortify my faith. I think it is great that LifeLight is changing the musical lineup at the festival. Music is a gift from God to be enjoyed by EVERYONE who believes, not just Christians.

Vernon wins on 8% of the Vote


Before the elections this past Tuesday I did some trolling on various online forums to see if I could find what people were saying about the campaigns. The thing I heard the most was that Stehly was going to lose because she is negative and Brown was positive. It proved to be true.

These days I have found people prefer to be lied to as long as what they here is positive. The ugly truth does not interest them.

I had the opportunity to be close enough to Stehly’s campaign to review her mailings and website and I asked her several questions about how she came up with some of the information.
Guess what, Theresa never lied about anything. Her campaign newsprint mailer, paid for by her campaign and an obvious promotional piece was dubbed as a fake newspaper not only by people online in forums but by the Gargoyle Leader (I guess they were miffed because the mailer used a mock logo of the USA TODAY which is owned by media-monopoly-corporate-giant GANNET which also owns our down home friendly daily paper). If you read the paper carefully and check on www.siouxfalls.org you will see that Brown’s voting record was as Stehly said it was, and you will also find a PDF of the document where Brown and other councilors donated money to the indoor pool campaign. Yup, the truth. How tragic and negative indeed.

Sure there was an endorsement in the mailer written by Stehly’s friends, but wouldn’t we expect that? After all, she paid for it. Brown‘s mailings were full of vague information that you could interpret several ways, something they call in politics wiggle room. For instance he claims he is saving the city money by buying the Zoo. Huh? Don’t we subsidize the place now because we decided to buy it? Wouldn’t that mean we are losing money on the facility every year? Isn’t that untruthful?

Honestly I don‘t have a personal problem with Vernon Brown. Never had. I actually went to High School with his wife Tammi, who is very wonderful brilliant person. I have to agree with Kermit Staggers on the matter, he just felt Stehly was the better candidate and so did I, because she was truthful and didn’t sugarcoat what is going on in this city. A day before the election, Stehly said to me “Scott, I have always been truthful in this campaign and that is what is important.” Stehly is right. But apparently 60% of the voters in Tuesday’s election prefer to be lied to. Apathy is NOT a beautiful thing.