
Kick them while they are down



In normal Gargoyle Leader vulture like style, they have decided to kick Stehly while she is down. This of course is something you would expect out of the blogosphere, Johnson’s campaign or editorial cartoonists. What purpose does it serve? Would the results been different if more people voted? Maybe? That’s right kiddies, the Gargoyle fails to mention that on a bright sunny day in Sux Falls 86% of registered voters didn’t even bother to show up to the polls. The super precints didn’t help matters either. This from a city that doesn’t have a problem with spending 3 million on a street that only benefits wealthy developers but claims they set up the super precincts to save us a lousy $12,000. Yeah right, it’s all about saving money. Maybe we should buy city hall a skid loader so they can start scooping up all the bullshit in that building. Apathy and special interests won yesterday in the city election and the 86% of voters that chose to stay home instead of voting should be ashamed of themselves. We’ll see if they wakeup in 2010 when we still don’t have the Lewis and Clark Pipeline (that we are currently paying for without a guarantee we are getting it), our deficit doubles because we decided to build an Event Center that will mostly be empty 90% of the year and the city is backlogged up to there necks in infastructure projects and lawsuits* (*more to come on this in the near future).

Way to go Sioux Falls, you have proven once again how truly sucky you are.

Coolio News

I’ve been asked to jury the Dakota State University student art and multimedia exhibt ‘BEADLEMANIA 2008’ this month.

This is exciting.

As you know I’m a big promoter of openness in art and strongly against censorship. I get to put my beliefs to the test and look forward to the challenge.

Sioux Falls Arts Hypocrisy? Tell me something I didn’t already know


Last year I was the victim of a smear job by a Washington Pavilion board member and his VIP friends because I dared to question the the Visual Arts Center policy of jury secrecy. After they made me look like I was wrong in my assessment of censorship, they changed the policy this year anyway, which surprised me.

I’m still waiting for my apology from said board member. Or do you normally take the advice of people you don’t agree with?

Hypocrites Indeed.


Ray Johnson is Dead (Private collection of the Christen Family)

This was the piece that was rejected by a secretive jury in the 2007 Arts Night exhibit. I still do not know the names of the jurors. Rumor has it that their names will be released in an Arts Night 2008 article in the Gargoyle Leader, but I am not holding my breath.

I guess the words ‘Art is Dead’ scared the F#*% out of the jurors. Even though it was set in a postmark and referred to the death of Ray Johnson (who committed suicide) and was famous for making postcard art popular. Silly me, to expect jurors to know something about art or artists.
