
Sioux Falls City Council ENDORSEMENTS – SouthDaCola style

Once again I disagree with the Gargoyle Leader on their endorsements. Which doesn’t surprise me. I have always said a political endorsement by them is the kiss of death anyway.

Some of the reasons I am endorsing these candidates is because we need more women, minorities, youth and independent thinkers on the council.

Theresa Stehly – At Large
I have been lucky enough to get to know Theresa and help her campaign. The one thing that impresses me about Theresa is her determination. I also like the fact that Theresa is single with no children and self-employed, this means she can dedicate more time to the council then her opponent. Theresa is also an independent thinker, a fiscal conservative and a citizen advocate.

Daniel Brooks – Northwest
I didn’t know much about Daniel before the debate last night, but I was thoroughly impressed by his demeanor and his sense of community pride. I also liked his ideas about getting more private money to fund WANTS in SF.

Jabez Brunz – Southwest
I’m not 100% sold on Jabez, but I do like his youth and working class attitude. His opponent, Greg Jamison, is the son of Bob ‘General Hand-Up’ Jamison. I have known Greg for years because he works in the advertising business. I like Greg and think he is a great guy, and a fair businessman, but I think he is out of touch with the normal Joe, and will bring only more of the same to the City Council, and I wasn’t  much of a fan of his father either.

Amanda Todd – Northeast
I like Amanda for some of the same reasons I like Theresa. Though they both are independent thinkers, I think Amanda’s youth and social attitude towards the less fortunate citizens is something Sioux Falls needs on the council. Knudson thinks she is that person, yeah, right.Â