
SOUTH DaCOLA ART CLUB w/Sculpture Walk


“Money makes the world go around, even the art world,” says Costanzo, marketing chairman for SculptureWalk.

And this the main reason SW will continue to be a big yawn. Mediocre art has a pricetag, great art is priceless. Anytime we use art for promotional reasons, we cheapen it. Graphic design and fine art are cousins but not brothers. I think SW in concept is great for SF. I’m critical though of it’s mission and purpose. I have always felt that the exhibit should be in a central location (like Fawick park) and should stand alone. I also don’t agree with the public funding factor if there isn’t any accountability by the organization and it’s arrogant founders.

And why does the founder continue to be a juror? Jim, let some other people pick the art for once. How about some community involvement? Oh that’s right, you just want our money not our opinion.

And the Winner is . . .



As a graphic designer I like to look at other logos for inspiration. I’m a big fan of simple logos, and I often get into pissing matches with my clients about simplicity vs. complicated. I’ll be honest, political logos bore the hell out of me. But these two really stand out; Obama and Romney. Obama’s is probably the best out of the whole shooting match. It represents hope and a new beginning. It’s simple, soft and strong. Romney’s is great to, it represents strength, youth and moving forward. It’s been compared to the NE Patriots logo (I don’t see it).

Which is your favorite. Remember the KISS theory (Keep it simple stupid) and squint your eyes.



This is getting awesome, now I’m being compared to Archie Bunker because I think I should be able to get a pork sandwich in a Muslim Deli.


As a satirist, I love the attention. I like the fact that he is driving his wacko followers to my site, so they can see just how out of touch they really are with REAL South Dakotans and Americans.

The cartoon wasn’t attacking SWAIN in particular, it was attacking the whole CATHOLIC church and there involvement in politics. Clergy should advise on faith, not on policy. That’s what the girl was saying. Why is it that editorial cartoonists have to explain themselves to the right? Because they don’t have a sense of humor, that’s why.

BTW, I would like to point out to all the Meat heads on the right that some women HAVE to use birth control for health reasons, they can’t afford the risk of getting pregnant because it would kill them. I could go into detail, but as Ron Paul would say; use the google.