Image, KSFY News
Like I have said before, the US Senate race for Johnson’s seat is one big bore. We all know who our next senator will be, and this next year and a half will be a gigantic waste of our time. But Dr. Bosworth is making things a bit more interesting.
In her announcement today, in the back of her dad’s truck on his farm, with a US Flag draped over a tractor loader in the background, she announced her intent. While her family figured out that wearing a t-shirt and jeans when in the back of a Jeep Honcho is probably the most appropriate attire, Annette decided to dress for an afternoon tea party, wearing a suit coat and skirt. At least she didn’t have a pitchfork in her hand.
Before the festivities started we got to listen to some woman sing songs about liberty, freedom and god. Fun stuff, real chart busters. Then Bosworth climbed the family foot stool, scraped the cow shit from her high heels and pledged not to raise our taxes, ridding us of the ACA and then in a strange twist babbled about Jesus, all the while the family dog barked their approval in the background (didn’t anyone think to put it in the house).
Here’s a few NO NO’s;
1) When announcing in a pick-em-up-truck on a farm, dress accordingly. A sprint car t-shirt with a Tom Sawyer hat would have looked more appropriate.
2) Politicians who wear their religion on their sleeves are usually charlatans using religion to get votes. Mentioning you are a Christian or any religion for that matter, is fine, but Jesus was no Republican, and I am pretty sure he would approve of affordable healthcare for all, the prophet and the son of god (which ever you believe in).
3) Get a REAL platform, tell us why you want to HELP us in Washington, not how you want to take benefits away from us.
While I still think the ACA should have included single-payer, there is good things in it. How about focusing on the benefit of the ACA and reforming the rest to make it better? Just a suggestion.