I asked two Alaskan friends of mine to weigh in on governor Palin, this is from the one who lives in Seward which is east of Anchorage on the Southern coast.

I’ve had so many people email asking about Sarah the Beautiful.  Unfortunately, they think she would make a great VP.  I guess they don’t care if she has any experience.   


She would be a great candidate if we were voting for the Queen (beauty queen).  Will Todd give up his title as 1st Dude to be the husband of a VP?  What was I thinking…Sarah has never settle for being #2…maybe we should, “Rite her in for President”.  I’d love to joke about Sarah, but I’m really too scared.  How stupid are Americans to believe that she has experience because she has been the mayor of one of the larger communities in Alaska?  Does the rest of the USA realize that she was the mayor of Wasilla…a town of about 6,000 people…a town that is referred to as “Valley Trash” since it is part of the Mat-Su valley and there is garbage everywhere.  There are bumper stickers here that say “Dear Lord Jesus help me get out of Wasilla”.  To understand the humor in this, all you have to do is try to drive through this little cluster flip of a community.  You’ve got to love her foreign policy experience of living close to Russia…wow.  That’s my 2 cents.


This is how police stings are supposed to work.

You get a complaint from citizens and you investigate, arrest and hopefully convict. You don’t create crime by pretending to be a 14-year old teenage girl chatting online.

Now all of sudden Palin is transparent.

Now they are making it look like she cooperating by creating her own

“investigation” into the matter. Too funny how they try to con people, and

too scary how people will probably buy into this own, especially if you read

the way the CNN article is written it almost appears as if she is willing to

cooperate with the original investigation.


H/T – The Motherload


Unplanned Democracy: Documentary


There has already been a lot buzz about this doc on the blogs, and now the MSM in SD is finally picking up on it. It is a bi-partisan movie about the abortion debate in SD. I’m looking forward to viewing it.


Lyon County Casino vote today.


This is a very important decision that will affect the Sioux Falls economy greatly if passed. Yet no one at the city finance office has been talking about it, they must be busy hiring consultants. My guess is that it will pass 60/40.