Governor Moose Drool has a case of Daschl-itis
Taxes – Smaxes, who cares, look how damn cute I am
Well it least it wasn’t for limo or donkey service;
(CNN) – Alaska officials have told Gov. Sarah Palin she must pay back taxes on the thousands of dollars she received in state per diem funds while living at her home in Wasilla.
The Washington Post first reported last September that Palin had billed the state for nearly $17,000 worth of meals and other living expenses while staying in her own home during the first 19 months of her administration, even though the official governor’s residence is in Juneau.
Oops! “What taxes do you pay, Governor?” “None of them!”
And here is a touching video about how her daughter is just gonna have to buck up. Sarhoid also talks about all of Bristol’s grandparents helping out with the new baby. Wondering how Levi’s mom is gonna help with daycare while sitting in the clink?
Have I mentioned I thank God everyday this dingbat was not elected?