These are some sketches I did while I was on the plane. I know, McCain looks like Kennedy – don’t know why? The Palin one is hard to read, so I will paraphrase. She talks about Obama’s connection to domestic terrorists. Then if you notice, Steve Stolls is burying weapons in his front yard, and there is a Confederate Flag in his window that says ‘John Birch Society’ and the sign in the background says ‘Welcome to Wasilla’

Alaskans are not happy with Sarah;

Sarah Palin’s reaction to the Legislature’s Troopergate report is an embarrassment to Alaskans and the nation.


Palin’s response is the kind of political “big lie” that George Orwell warned against. War is peace. Black is white. Up is down.

I love how Republican pundits are downplaying Sarah now that they have figured out she is hurting McCain. I have heard at least three of them say in the past couple of days “It’s McCain that is running for president not Palin.” While this is true I find it ironic she no longer is important to the Republicans.

I first watched this video and actually felt bad for Sarah and her poor little daughter Piper, then I find out in this MSNBC story she purposely brought Piper out there so she would not get booed. This woman really has no shame. Using her child as a shield – pretty pathetic.

“I’ve been warned that Flyers fans, they get so enthused, that they boo everybody at the drop of the puck,” she said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Saturday afternoon. “But what I thought I’d do is I’d put Piper in a Flyers jersey, bring her out with me. How dare they boo Piper!”

Pastor (?) Thomas Muthee prayed for protection from witchcraft for the lovely Governor Palin, and now you can also join in the fun!

Chock full ‘o instructions on How To Pray for such things as PEACE, PROTECTION and WISDOM (uh, I don’t think they’re praying very hard on that last one).
The site is informative and explains Why You Should Pray For Sarah using Ephesians 6:10-20

“Those who are ‘strong in the Lord’ have victory over the evil one in the great spiritual conflict, especially through the power of prayer”. (paraphrased)

On another note:
It’s interesting to watch over-the-top born agains develop a connection to Sarah Palin with a biblical character, such as Esther. The one similarity they may have shared was beauty, but Esther proved to be wise while remaining humble and respectful. The recent Troopergate report shows Palin is a vindictive liar (this is proven in direct testimony from her staff and husband).

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.”
Matthew 23:15 (NIV)


If you’re not going to pray for Sarah, or diarrhea, you might want to spend a few minutes today talking to Buddha, Allah, Yahweh, Elohim, Mother Nature, Lord Calvert or whatever deity you feel comfortable with as Former Pastor Arnold Conrad of Davenport Iowa is worried God might be listening.