I attended the latest meeting last night at the Washington Pavilion. I actually enjoyed the conversation that was free flowing and Scott Peterson (who chairs the group) did a fantastic job of running the conversation.

Many topics were discussed, including voter registration. I encouraged the audience to talk to their city councilors, county commissioners and school board members on getting a uniform election process in Sioux Falls (precincts).

They also discussed getting Rounds to hold a public town hall after his lunch appearance with the Chamber on June 1st.

A lot of the people in attendance admitted they were frustrated with the Trump presidency and DC in general and why they feel like they need to get involved. I encouraged them to recruit local candidates for the upcoming municipal election and legislative races in 2018. I reminded them that local government matters most. I said something like, “90% of the taxes/fees you pay are decided by local government . . . and that our DC representation are ‘Clowns’ that I don’t pay much attention to because it is a ‘waste of time’.

They reminded me that they were concerned about healthcare, I countered that many of those changes can also take place locally and with our state legislature.

I told them about my experience of being a ‘Deaniac’ and watching the national media destroy Howard Dean was a lesson to me that we don’t have much control over National politics. Corporate media and special interests pick the winners and losers in DC, but locally WE do.

I applaud those who get involved.


A guest post by my conservative friend, Matt Showers;

Yeah, you would think I would need to go through a car wash to scrub off all the grease once I visited with our (mis) representatives, Rounds and Thune. But luckily I escaped their offices with just a couple of brown streaks, mostly on my nose.

The real grease is all the fine eateries around DC. And I’m not talking about the fancy smancy places, when I travel I must eat the same greasy crap I eat in my Podunk college town of Brookings. So forget about the 4-Star ratings, I head straight to the fart factories of Irish Pubs.

I give O’Burgers on 4th street a 3 Fart rating, mostly because the cheese not only backed up my bowels it shut down the gas chamber.

Cabbage O’Nally’s really had the best Rueben of all. Naturally with all that Kraut, it got a 5 Fart rating, and a night on the rollaway (yeah, since the old lady is the breadwinner, she funded the trip).

I almost bit my fingers off eating this deep fried and breaded banger at Sausage O’Donnells. 4 Farts for sure.

I completed the trip with some Fish N’ Chips at the airport, it sure would have made Ronnie Proud, and easy 4 Farts which gave us a turbo boost on the way home.

So the next time you go to the Nation’s capital, don’t worry, they have plenty of places that serve the same greasy crap they serve at home. Your tummy will thank you, your butt, not so much.