With all of the kerfuffle about the secret siding settlement and secret RFP process, it seems the city council has learned little to nothing. And I’m not talking about a select few, I’m talking about ALL of them.

The Washington Pavilion is up for contract renewal soon (Finance Director Tracy Turbak is expected to do a short presentation next Tuesday, November 7 at the informational with a resolution by the council of approval on Novemeber 14.) And that easily the Pavilion will have renewed their 5 year contract with the city, with little questioning, little review, no accountability, and no outside competition.

We wonder what went wrong with the EC siding? Well a little combination of all of the above and you create a perfect storm for corruption. So don’t act shocked when bad things happen.

I enjoy the Pavilion and go to shows there and enjoy the visual arts center (though it should be free again) but that doesn’t mean the council should just blindly take their word that everything is on the up an up when it comes to the day to day operations.

Let’s look at some concerning factors;

The Pavilion hasn’t had a city audit in over 10 years.

Besides a subsidy to their operations, the city spends millions from the entertainment tax fund for brick and mortar upgrades to the city owned building each year with little oversight to those upgrades.

The Pavilion hasn’t shown us a financial report since 2015. The 2016 report is still NOT finished. That’s right, only 2 weeks away from a contract renewal and the 2016 audit is NOT complete yet. The Pavilion claims they are saving money by having the audit so late in the year. Yah, sure, you betcha.

The Pavilion management has changed so many hands in 5 years it’s hard to keep track who is in charge. And since Darrin Smith has been in charge many long time and short time directors and management have left. Has anyone asked why? Nope, just get out the rubber stamps, than in 3 years we can put a cute timeline together of what went wrong, because that is much easier than asking the tough questions to begin with.

Than there is the NEW leader of the Pavilion. A former city councilor who quit mid-term after losing a mayoral bid. Re-appeared to dig up false dirt on Staggers winning him a job in the Huether administration as director of community development (something he knows nothing about) in which he screws up the DT parking ramp deal (and we keep throwing thousands of dollars at the project) and runs away once again to another job. This time he lands his feet as the director of the Pavilion, still cashing in on the taxpayer buck. Here he decides to wait 10 months before auditing the year before, than not only appoints a youth minister cartoonist to run the arts center but also the science center, I heard soon he will be also in charge of cleaning the rain gutters.

It seems the city council can’t understand why they have so much controversy surrounding the lack of transparency, secret settlements, and no oversight. If they approve the Pavilion contract without truly digging in what has been happening there over the past 5 years, they only reap what they sew.

When I see stuff like below, I am continually baffled by the decisions the Pavilion management is making. Obviously the citizens hands are tied and their isn’t much we can do to persuade the board of directors BUT we still have the city council.

The Pavilion’s management contract is set for renewal on January 1, 2018 and as I understand it, it will be an automatic renewal. We haven’t seen an audit of the Pavilion in over a decade and the last annual report was posted online in 2015.

I don’t understand how the Mayor and City Council could just let this contract renew itself without a complete review and outside audit? Especially with the recent change in contractors at the golf course after we let one contractor run the joint for 23 years.

It’s extremely irresponsible for our municipal government to be so careless with our tax subsidy and property ownership. Please, do your job and do a full review of the Pavilion before you sign on the dotted line before the whole building is run by youth pastor cartoonists.

As I have already blogged about recently the Pavilion’s contract is up for renewal on January 1st. I believe it is a 5-year contract that will have to probably be renewed in October or November.

I know with all the talk about the Golf Contract and the secrecy surrounding contracts recently, I’m just wondering if there has been any talks about changing some terms with the Pavilion before renewal? The last city audit I could find I think was 9 years ago (don’t quote me on that, the city council probably has better access to those).

Besides an audit, the ONE thing on my wish list for change of terms is making the visual arts center (the galleries) FREE admission again as promised in the original contract. Obviously they would have to charge something for international/special exhibits like Rodin and Warhol, but for regional and even National work, I think the admission should be FREE for all AGAIN.

Believe it or not, I don’t think Darrin Smith would be opposed to that proposal. I talked to someone who saw the last couple of internal audits and they said the Pavilion only takes in approximately $15K in admissions since they implemented it. That could easily be covered by a couple of sponsors or grants.

I am also concerned with all the entertainment tax money that is being poured into the place. I would much rather see the money be spent on paying down the EC mortgage.

With all of the talk about letting the sunshine finally in on the Huether Administration, I think the City Council could use this contract renewal as a good experiment moving forward on contract awards, and their involvement in that process.


I asked the city council on Tuesday night if there have been any permits approved for Arc of Dreams. After not hearing anything, I emailed them tonight the same question. One of the councilors responded that the council will be presented a public right of way easement soon to approve. Good to hear.

UPDATE: I also got this response from the city;

Mr. Ehrisman,

Thank you for your recent inquiry about the “Arc of Dreams” sculpture permitting process.  No permits have been issued at this time.

In your email, you were correct in that the sculpture is on private property and over public property. Therefore, a grant of easement by the City of Sioux Falls for the “Arc of Dreams” sculpture is currently in process.  The City Attorneys Office has drafted a resolution and associated easement documents for the “Arc of Dreams” sculpture.

On August 15, 2017, the “Arc of Dreams” sculpture was reviewed and recommended for placement approval during public meetings by both the Visual Arts Commission and the Parks and Recreation Board.  The proposed resolution is scheduled for public hearing consideration at the City Council’s regular Tuesday, September 19, 2017, meeting.  Pending adoption of the resolution, and receipt of project plan submittals for City review, then appropriate City permits will be determined and required.

It is anticipated that site construction will begin this fall, with sculpture installation completed by August 2018.  Associated installation and maintenance costs for this sculpture will be the responsibility of SculptureWalk, and not the City of Sioux Falls.

I hope this information helps with your inquiry.

Russ Sorenson• 9-08-2017

Urban Planner • City Of Sioux Falls

Sorry, but I still struggle with the concept that the fine individuals who run the very successful SculptureWalk program for our city would commission a now $1.6 million dollar sculpture before having at least a conditional or preliminary permit or permission from the city. Someone signed off on this a long time ago and now they are just going through the motions.

It reminds of the guy I saw once at the Board of Adjustments, he was requesting to build a bigger garage. His reasoning? Because his new truck didn’t fit in the old garage. He was denied.


I found this interesting that this is going thru the city as an RFP. Or maybe this is how this has always been done?

A question that I was asked recently was if the Kirby family is still sponsoring the Kirby Science Center or if that was a one time gift? I have NO idea.

Also two long time directors have ‘LEFT’.

Darrin Smith seems to be shaking things up at the Pavilion and spending a lot of money. Not sure if this is a good thing or not?