
I had to laugh, there isn’t anything the PAV won’t do to bring in money, including a drag show;

At 8 p.m. Aug. 19, there’s a drag show in the Warhol gallery, available for the regular price of admission to the gallery.

I think this is awesome. If you have never been to a good drag show (and I am not talking about those rinky-dink shows they used to put on a Touchez) they are non-stop entertainment, gutt-hurt (not butt-hurt) laughing entertainment. You would be amazed what duct tape can do. While I think the drag show idea is clever, I am concerned about the continuing trend of the Pavilion to be charging for so-so visual art exhibits;

“I think the people who are coming to Warhol know there’s a charge, and those who don’t still buy tickets,” Merhib said. “People are used to big cities where, in general, there’s a fee to see a show.”

Sorry David Money Bags. One of the selling points of the Pavilion to me was the FREE visual arts center. It’s hard enough exposing people to the arts, especially in this town, but to start charging for exhibits that really are not world class brings that elitist label a little bit closer to home. How many people do you think from lower income neighborhoods are willing to drop $10 on an exhibit they can see for free at the library in a book? What if it was free? I find this new trend at the VAC to be a bit disturbing. What has made the PAV unique is its FREE Visual Arts Center, but it seems now, everything is for sale, even men who lip-sync Whitney Houston songs.

The very talented Hope will be partaking;

On Wednesday, July 13 from 6 to 9pm the Washington Pavilion is teaming up with the Sioux Falls Arts Council to present Ink-Fest 2011.

What a better way to capture a demographic that is alive and well in this region than to combine Andy Warhol with our fiends with “ink”. Four area Tattoo studios will provide up to two artists to participate and create a work of art before your very eyes. These artists will be stationed in the middle of the second floor lobby, next to the bar. Those being tattooed will be pre-selected by the artists prior to the event and you will have a change to see the artists in action and schedule your future appointment. Come watch the process, regardless of its your first time or fiftieth, we want to bring this demonstration of artwork being created LIVE! in front of you at Your Washington Pavilion!

That’s not all; in the Andy Warhol exhibition there will be 24 tattooed models that represent one of the artists on the second floor lobby. Tattoos alongside the Pope of Pop! You will have a chance to vote on your favorite tattoo(s) and the winner gets a cash prize.

This event is perfect for art enthusiasts! Just a recap and what to know before you go! :

  • 4 local tattoo shops will be showing off 24 models with body art.
  • The event itself is FREE but a $10 fee is charged for the Andy Warhol exhibit. The $10 will also get you a FREE beer for people 21+.
  • The event is being held on July 13, 6 – 9 p.m. on the 2nd floor lobby of the Pavilion.
  • For more information visit our Box Office or call us at (605) 367-6000. This is a once in a lifetime event that you don’t want to miss!
  • P.S. Say “NO KIDDING!” at the Box Office to get a $1 off of the Andy Warhol exhibition.


While I am very excited about seeing this exhibit (and paying an entrance fee). I doubt I will see anything new. But for those of you that are not familiar with Andy’s work, I encourage you to go, and take the kids. The exhibit comes from Andy’s official museum in Pittsburgh and Augustana will also have some of his polaroids on display. I have often said Andy’s biggest contributions were in music and film and his art was how he made a living. Don’t get me wrong, I love his art and am heavily influenced by him.


If you are intrigued or inspired after viewing the exhibit I recommend some light reading 🙂 DIARIES • KILL ME

I was fortunate enough to meet and have dinner with Richard Weisman who was personal friends with Andy and commissioned Warhol’s Sports Series that came to the Pavilion a few years back. He befriended my friend Paige Turner that night and she was invited to his Seattle home. She said in the guest bedroom where she stayed a Rothko hung above her head. Still mad she didn’t invite me to come along, I could have pretended to be gay for a couple of days.

As I suspected, and you can see from the financial report, the PAV got almost $400,000 from a one time donation due to the naming of the Hall in 2010. This of course is not a thorough or clear financial report. It is obvious that the original report was cherry picked and simplified, which is fine, but I would love to see the whole audit. It seems contributions were up quite a bit in 2010. You can watch Toll brag about the Pavilion during the informational meeting.