From a local arts advocate;

I attended the State Arts Conference this past fall. Anyhow, SEAC has been renamed the Sioux Falls Arts Council and will be an arts advocacy-only organization, based out the Washington Pavilion, and will not have any gallery at the WP. It will be used to promote the WP (and others too) and will become the voice of the arts.

Who will the Pavilion gobble up next? Maybe the city council should move their offices over there too?

Here is a video of ‘Take the Day’ that happened on Saturday.


I found out this morning on my way to work there was a mis-communication between the Pavilion and the organizer Justin. It was not the Pavilion’s fault I was left from the artist listing, it was the Justin’s and he admits it. Either way, doesn’t matter. I am not participating because I really don’t want to raise any money for the Pavilion even if I still get 50%. The organizer knows that, and now the Pavilion knows that. Done deal.

I will however be promoting the event on this site and may come to the reception. Maybe some artist profiles would be nice.

The Gargoyle and their guest cartoonist, Daiker, had another ‘write your own caption’ toon. As you may know, our crass commentary on DaCola would probably not be allowed in the confines of such a fine newspaper, so write your own caption here, and say ‘Fuck You’ to the local media editorial mediocre;

Here is my rant;

“We’ve already dumped over $40 million of taxpayer money into this white elephant, I would think the parking would be FREE by now. Heck, you cops park for FREE at Mickey D’s or the AVERA Emergency parking lot (to eat free meals) all day long. What gives?!”

What a wonderful show idea on channel 16. Let’s tell you about all the elitist events at our joint that you can’t afford to attend, and let’s use your tax dollars to rub it in;

In this episode of PavNow, we introduce you to Pavilion President Larry Toll, who talks about the programs and organizations that comprise the Washington Pavilion.

Then we preview upcoming events taking place at The Mary W. Sommervold Hall; including Legally Blonde the Musical, and Spring Awakening.

We also take a look at the exhibits currently on display at the Visual Arts Center, and movies now playing at the Cinedome.

I love the ‘Sanford and Son’ intro music.

He talks about how the Pavilion’s mission was supposed to be the hub for the arts in Sioux Falls and mentions SEAC under their roof now. Yeah, this office looks permanent . . . NOT.

The show also reminds me why I don’t like Norman Rockwell, or as I call him, the Baroque Cartoonist.

I got this recent comment on this thread;

It’s sad because the Arts Council always did work for all the arts.  Now you can’t even find their phone number.  I guess they’re just working for a privileged few.  And interesting how the calendar on the SEAC site and the one and only post on SEAC’s facebook page are about Pavilion events.

View the SEAC (Washington Pavilion) calendar. And the FACEBOOK Page.

Wonder how many hours (or minutes) it will take the Pavilion Spy Club to see this post and scramble to fix it? Should we start a pool? I give them 9 hours, No, 6 hours, it’s a Tuesday and it is probably slow around the big purple building. They should just hire me to spy on me. I work cheap and I have a very reliable source.